
11th German-Japanese Symposium

“Security, Privacy and Safety in the Information Society”

会   場: 東京国際交流館 “プラザ平成” /台場 
  (東京臨海新交通ゆりかもめ 「船の科学館駅」徒歩4分)
主 催:
MU NCHNER KREIS(ミュンヒナー・クライス)
後 援: ドイツ経済労働省(BMWA)、ドイツ内務省(BMI)、BITKOM、TeleTrusT、Telekom Forum、Fraunhofer SIT
協 賛: (社)電子情報通信学会、(社)情報処理学会、(財)情報通信学会、(社)日本工学アカデミー


このたび、「日本におけるドイツ年」の一環として、ミュンヒナークライス(Münchner Kreis)および日独シンポジウム組織委員会の主催で、第11回日独シンポジウムを、2005913日より16日にかけて、東京国際交流館(台場)にて開催することとなりました。

本シンポジウムは、日本とドイツ双方のリーダーが、情報通信に関する主題のもとで、社会経済および科学技術の両面から議論を交わすシンポジウムで、1977年に第1回をBonnで開催して以来、28年の歴史を有しています。 その間ほぼ2年毎に日本とドイツで開催され、1992年のドイツ開催以来中断されていたものの、ドイツ側からの熱心な呼びかけにより20015月にミュンヘンで再開され20034月には東京で「移動通信と社会」という主題のもと開催され大きな成功を収めました。

今回の日独シンポジウムは第11回目となりますが本年4月から1年間が「日本におけるドイツ年」にあたることからその公式イベントの一つとして行われます。主題として、最も重要な課題のひとつである「情報社会におけるセキュリティ」(Security, Privacy and Safety in the Information Society)をとりあげ、「情報社会脆弱性への対応」、「ユビキタスサービスにおけるセキュリティ」、「社会へのインパクトと挑戦 ― 日独の電子政府とセキュリティ教育」、「新たな課題と解決手段」、「最新の話題」の5セッションから構成され、安全と安心について、さまざまな視点から日独を比較しつつ重点的に議論されます。




組織委員長     辻井 重男(情報セキュリティ大学院大学)

プログラム委員長 青山 友紀(東京大学)


ドイツ側の主催者である、ミュンヒナークライスは、ドイツを中心とした産官学メンバー(有力オペレータも含む)からなる、コミュニケーションに関する分野横断的な研究を目的とした非営利団体で、毎年数回の会議を開催し、報告書を出版している。1974年にドイツ バイエルン州科学アカデミーのサポートにより設立され、以来コミュニケーションシステムの研究、実用化、運用、利用など、特に新たなシステム導入に伴う人間的・社会的・経済政治的課題について検討を重ねてきている。現在ミュンヘン大学のPicot教授を会長に、ババリア州経済交通技術大臣、大学教授、ドイツ産業界トップなど12名の理事が就任している。会員はドイツを中心とした産官学界から約200人が登録されている。

ホームページ https://www.muenchner-kreis.de/


 日 時




ウェルカムレセプション (於 ドイツ大使館/ 港区南麻布)








セッション1 “Vulnerability and Protection of the Information Society”




セッション2 “Security in Ubiquitous Systems and Applications”




Get Together (於 科学未来館7F レストラン 5Kプラネッツ)




セッション3 “Social and Legal Impacts and Challenges;

Security Education and Awareness”




セッション4 “New Technologies and Applications for Authentication,

Authorization and Access Control”




セッション5 “Hot Topics and Closing”




フェアウェルパーティ (於 ホテル グランパシフィック メリディアン)




交流ツアー 「日光1日」


場所: 東京国際交流館 “プラザ平成” 3階ホワイエ

時間: 9月14日(水) 8:30−17:00

     9月15日(木) 8:00−16:00


Wednesday, 14. September

9:00   Opening Session
Chairmen:  Prof. Dr. Heinz Thielmann, Fraunhofer SIT

                                               Prof. Dr. Tomonori Aoyama, The University of Tokyo

  Opening statements from the Steering Committee and German Governmen:

Prof. Dr. Arnold Picot                    Chairman, Münchner Kreis

Prof. Dr. Shigeo Tsujii                   President, Institute of Information Security

Dr. Ulrich Sandl                            Bundesministerium für Wirtschaf und Arbeit (BMWA)

Prof. Dr. Claudia Eckert  Fraunhofer SIT

Trends and Challenges in Security, Privacy and Safety

Prof. Dr. Hideki Imai                     The University of Tokyo

                                                                     Director of Research Centre for Information Security, AIST

Cryptographic Approach to Security, Privacy and Safety

10:30  Coffee Break

11:00  Session 1

“Vulnerability and Protection of the Information Society”


A.-H. Wulf (Alcatel)


Prof. Dr. H. Thielmann (Fraunhofer SIT)

B. Kowalski (BSI)

Prof. Dr. Koichiro Hayashi

(Institute of Information Security)

M. Yoshida (MIC)

Y. Hayami (METI)

Public/National infrastructures (e.g. Telecom, Energy, Finance, Health, Lifeline, Government) and enterprises (infrastructures and business processes) are increasingly dependent on IT and the Internet. Vulnerabilities are growing due to powerful tools for attacks and intrusion. Risk assessment, emergency plans, protection methods, security policies, business continuity, robustness and resilience will be discussed. Government initiatives (“homeland security”) supported by industrial and R&D solutions will lead to joint understanding and mutual activities.

11:00  Sub-Session 1.1.: “National Initiatives and Policies”

Joji Tateishi, National Information Security Center (NISC), Cabinet Secretariat

The Grand Design of Japan's Information Security Policy for New Era

Dr. Michael Baum, BMI

IT-dependent Critical Infrastructures and Protection Policies

Dr. Ikuo Misumi, Information-Technology Promotion Agency (IPA)

Current Situation and Future Perspective of Vulnerability Information Handling

Hubertus Gottschalk, Deutsche Telekom

Security Policies and Processes for Network Operators

12:00  Sub-Session 1.2.: “Enterprise Vulnerabilities and Prevention”

Koji Nakao, Telecom-ISAC Japan

Security Controls for Telecommunications Infrastructure Supporting Information Society

            Dr. Stephan Rupp, Alcatel

            Risk Awareness in Enterprise IT Processes and Networks

Nobuo Miwa, LAC Co., Ltd.

Finding Vulnerabilities and Response to them in Actual Business

Bernd Mischlewski, TelekomForum

Security Awareness and Risks inside Companies

Makoto Koriyama, The Centre for Financial Industry Information Systems (FISC)

Security Controls for Financial Industry


Rolf von Rössing, KPMG

Business Continuity Management and Risk Compliance

13:30 Lunch

14:30 Session 2

 “Security in Ubiquitous Systems and Applications”


K.-D. Wolfenstetter

(T-Systems International)



(T-Systems International)

W.Fumy (Siemens)

Dr. Hiromitsu Wakana (NICT)

Dr. A. Terasaki (NICT)

K. Imai (NTT DoCoMo, Inc.)

IP-based processes and applications provide increased mobility and efficiency, both in wired and wireless networks. Evolution from WLAN, 2G, 3G and beyond, including RFID, sensor networking and all kinds of ubiquitous computing require new ways of security engineering. Issues include safety, security, and privacy protection for a wide range of devices, networks and platforms as well as for a variety of applications from home appliances and services to logistics and supply chain management.

Considering this evolution towards ubiquitous networking, issues on applications executed in an environment with ubiquitous devices, diverse access, and cross service platforms will be discussed.

14:30  Sub-Session 2.1.: “Technology and Standards”

Prof. Dr. Eiji Okamoto, University of Tsukuba

Cryptography in Ubiquitous Era

Prof. Dr. Ing. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Ruhr-University Bochum

Multilaterally Secure Computing Platforms – in your Office, Car and at Home

Dr. Kazuo Asakawa, Fujitsu Laboratories Limited

New Authentication Framework in Ubiquitous Era

Peter Kraaibeek, secunet Security Networks AG

SINA Solutions for EUROCONTROL and the German Embassy Networks

15:30  Sub-Session 2.2.: “Applications and Services Issues”

Dr. Masahiro Kuroda, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology

Security and Privacy Design for Ubiquitous Wireless Network

Martin Wülfert, Utimaco

Security Impact of Mobile Computing in Enterprises and Public Administrations

- a Policy Based Solution Approach

Assoc. Prof. Noboru Koshizuka, The University of Tokyo

Secure ID Tag and its Application

Stefan Doeblin, network economy
RFID Based Service Opportunity in Security Management

Tomohiko Yamakawa, NTT DATA Corporation

Privacy Protection and Cyber Security in Ubiquitous Networking Society

Dr. Matthias Stümpfle, DaimlerChrysler
Cars under Attack: Information Security and Privacy Issues in Automotive Telematics

Thursday, 15. September

8:30 Session 3

“Social and Legal Impacts and Challenges, Security Education and Awareness”


Prof. Dr. Helmut Reimer (TeleTrusT)


Prof. Dr. Helmut Reimer


Prof. Dr. Koichiro Agata (Waseda Univ.)

Prof. Dr. K. Agata (Waseda Univ.)

Information security is a basic challenge for every application of information and communication technology. The protection of information becomes a social problem if sensitive personal dates are incorporated. Therefore the developers and operators bear an especially high responsibility from electronic processes for example in the health service or in the public administration. In addition different orders which result from legal rules must be met.

Simultaneously security solutions are supposed to be integrated into complex business and administration processes. Therefore they must be also robust, user-friendly, interoperable and economical.

In the last years many suitable elements were developed. Just now it is the most important task of the experts of promoting the general application of trustworthy security solutions.

In this session best practises and concepts for corresponding infrastructures, architectures and services are discussed.

8:30    Sub-Session 3.1.: “Security Infrastructures and Services”

Jürgen Schwemmer, Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA)

Experience with PKI´s and Accredited / Certified Electronic Signatures

Prof. Toshio Obi, Waseda University

The Role of CIO on Information Security in Japanese E-Municipality

Arno Fiedler, TeleTrusT e.V.
Public Private Initiatives for a common understanding of Seamless Trustservices

Katsuya Furukawa, JNSA Board Member, Microsoft

Engineer Training and Non-Specialist’s Literacy Education for Information Network Security

9:30    Sub-Session 3.2.: “Security Solutions

Dr. Detlef Hühnlein, Secunet Security Networks AG
Prof. Dr. Tsuyoshi Takagi, Future University -Hakodate 
Security Architectures for eHealth in Germany and Japan - A Comparative Analysis

Shigeo Okamoto, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)

The Public Certification Service for Individuals (JPKI) in Japan

Detlef Houdeau, Infineon

Mayumi Inada, Infineon

e-card Initiative Japan and Germany, an Overview on Government Programs

Makoto Miwa, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. PSS Company

Technological Development and Application Proposal for Security and Safety

Prof. Dr. Günter Müller, Univ. Freiburg
Trusted Computing Environment – Further Progress? 

11:00  Coffee Break

11:30 Session 4

 “New Technologies and Applications

for Authentication, Authorization and Access Control”


Prof. Dr. Jörg Eberspächer

(Technical University Munich)


Wolfgang Schneider

(Fraunhofer SIT)

Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Yasuda

(The Univ. of Tokyo)

Prof. Dr. K. Hayashi

(Institute of Information Security)

Authentication is the process to verify that someone is what he claims to be. Authorization is the process to grant rights to the authenticated parties. Access Control is the process to prevent the use of content or other resources by non-authorized parties. Authentication, Authorization and Access Control are the three basic processes which allow you to prevent misuse and to protect ownership and copyright of electronic content which in turn is a prerequisite for any business process involving electronic content.

This session discusses most recent technologies and developments such as biometric and cryptographic techniques for authentication, the application of trusted computing technologies, and addresses new developments in Digital Rights Management for online music distribution, digital broadcast and document security.

11:30  Sub-Session 4.1.: “Authentication and Biometrics”

Frank Fuchs, SOFTPRO Software Professional GmbH & Co. KG
Shigeki Komiyama, WACOM Co., Ltd.
Handwritten Signatures Secure e-processes on Stylus-Based Smartphones

Mitsuru Matsui, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Cryptographic Technique for Digital Information

Torsten Hupe, Bayer-Innovations GmbH

Holographic Storage Systems for Biometric Authentication

Osamu Dosaka, NTT DATA Corporation

Biometrics for Border Control Systems

12:30  Sub-Session 4.2.: “DRM and Document Security”

Dr. Michael Marhöfer, Siemens

Dr. Andreas Schmidt, Fraunhofer SIT

Trusted Integration of Mobile Platforms into Service-Oriented Networks

Takashi Saitoh, Ricoh Company, Ltd.

Technologies for the Security of Printing Operations and Printed Documents

Wolfgang Schneider, Fraunhofer-SIT

New Security Technologies from EU- and German funded R&D Projects

Kazuto Ogawa, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)

DRM in Digital Broadcasting

Prof. Jürgen Müller, Berlin School of Economics (FHW)

New Business Models for Content and DRM in Music, Film, TV and Radio

Prof. Takashi Kamide, Federation of Music Producers

                                  Showa Music University

Online Music Distribution and Creativity

14:00  Lunch

15:00 Session 5

“Hot Topics and Closing”


Prof. Dr. Heinz Thielmann

(Fraunhofer SIT)


Prof. Dr. H. Thielmann

(Fraunhofer SIT)

Prof. Dr. Tomonori Aoyama

(The Univ. of Tokyo)

Prof. Dr. T. Aoyama

(The Univ. of Tokyo)

After hearing and discussing in the Sessions 1-4, we have here once again the chance to glance over the various aspects of the "security and safety" including standards, applications and technologies. First we have some hot topics and trends from government, academia and industry, and finally we will review the whole symposium and have conclusions.

15:00  Sub-Session 5.1.: “Hot Topics and Trends”

Tobias Mikolasch, BSI

German IT-Security Certification

Yoshinori Honda, Hitachi Ltd. 

Document Lifecycle Security

Dr. Jean-Guy Rioux, TÜV-Rheinland (Japan)

Security Lifecycle

Dr. Walter Fumy, Siemens

One Size does not fit all - A Compass for Risk Management Standards

Ayako Komatsu, NEC

Next Generation AAA Platform

Prof. Dr. Klaus Diepold, Technical University Munich

Technologies and Standards for Digital Rights Management

Dr. Shinichi Kawamura, Toshiba Corporation

New Technologies for Contents Protection

16:30  Sub-Session 5.2.: “Closing”

Closing statements from selected speakers from governments, industries and research.

Conclusions from the Chairmen


日独双方の機関・企業からの“Security, Privacy and Safety in the Information Society”に関する展示会を開催します。

開催日 9月14日(水)  10:00−17:30
9月15日(木)  09:00−16:00
東京国際交流館 “プラザ平成” 3階 メディアホール
出展規模: 日独合わせて20社(団体)予定


登録料: 一般・・・¥30,000
キャンセル料: 8月31日(日)まで   50%
9月 1日(月)以降 100%
お支払方法: 銀行振込 もしくは クレジットカード VISAMasterCard
振込口座: 日独シンポジウム 
東京三菱銀行 築地支店
普通 1043602




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TEL:03-3551-2173 FAX:03-3551-2018     E-mail:G-J-symposium@creative-net.co.jp
