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Author: Taishi Watanabe
(日本語) 平成30年度IEICE北海道支部学生会主催インターネットシンポジウム論文募集(2/18(月)23:59申込締切)
(日本語) 講演会のご案内(2018/7/19(Thu)@室蘭工業大学)
(日本語) 支部学生会主催講演会のご案内(2018/3/2(Fri)@室蘭工業大学)
(日本語) 電子情報通信学会北海道支部主催講演会のご案内(2/2(Fri)@室蘭工業大学)
(日本語) 平成29年度IEICE北海道支部学生会主催インターネットシンポジウム論文募集(2/19(月)23:59申込締切)
(日本語) 北大学生ブランチ主催講演会のご案内(1/26(Fri)@北海道大学)
Lectures on Dec. 20, 2017 at Hokkaido University
The following lectures will be held on December 20 at Hokkaido University.
December 20 (Wednesday), 2017, 10:00-12:00
Dr. Alex C. Kot
Professor, IEEE Fellow Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Room 11-17,
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Building, Hokkaido University
Is Seeing Believing?
With the fast proliferation of digital cameras and other image acquisition devices due to the advancement in digital photography technology, photos from the public may have good news values for making journalist reports. However, one big challenge is how to authenticate the photo contents from the public, which may come from unreliable sources. A large variety of forensics works have been proposed to address various forensic challenges based on different types of tell-tale signs. This talk introduces several techniques for: (1) Accurate detection of image demosaicing regularity as a general type of image forensics features. (2) Identification of various common image source models including digital still cameras, RAW conversion tools and the low-end mobile cameras; (3) Universal detection of a wide range of common image tampering. (4) Tampering detection for blur images. (5) EXIF file tampering or content manipulations, (6) Tempering detection with blur images, and (7) Prevention of the image recapturing threat in spoofing, especially in face spoofing. These techniques help expose common image forgeries, especially those easy-to-make forgeries, which can be hardly seen directly by human eyes. The common theme behind these forensics techniques is through statistical detection of some intrinsic image regularity or tampering anomalies.
Brief Bio
Prof. Alex C. Kot has been with the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore since 1991. He headed the Division of Information Engineering at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering for eight years and served as Associate Chair/Research and Vice Dean Research for the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and was the Associate Dean for College of Engineering. He is currently Professor and Director of the Rapid-Rich Object SEarch (ROSE) Laband Director of NTU-PKU Joint Research Institute. He has published extensively in the areas of signal processing for communication, biometrics, data-hiding, image forensics, information security and object recognition and retrieval.
Dr. Kot served as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part I as well as Part II. He also served as Guest Editor for the Special Issues for the IEEE Transactions on CSVT and EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. He is currently Associate Editor for the EURASIP Journal on Advanced in Signal Processing.
Dr. Kot has served the IEEE SP Society in various capacities such as the General Co-chair for the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) and Chair of the worldwide SPS Chapter Chairs and the Distinguished Lecturer program. He was a member in the IEEE Fellow Evaluation Committee and served as the Vice-President for the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He received the Best Teacher of the Year Award and was a coauthor for several Best Paper Awards including ICPR, IEEE WIFS, ICEC, and IWDW. He was an IEEE SPS Distinguished Lecturer, a Fellow of IEEE, and a Fellow of Academy of Engineering, Singapore.
IEICE Hokkaido Section, IEEE Sapporo Section
Contact Person
Yoshikazu Miyanaga
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,
Hokkaido University
(日本語) 2017年度 応用物理学会 リフレッシュ理科教室(12/17(Sun)@北海道科学大学)
Special Session Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of IEICE at 2017 Joint Convention
In 2017, it is 100 years since IEICE was established. At the 100th anniversary, special projects commemorating the centenary will be held at the headquarter, the five societies, and regional sections. At Hokkaido Section, focusing on globalization activities and cooperation of Hokkaido Section, we will hold the special session for the 100th anniversary at 2017 Joint Convention as follows.
Oct 28, Sat, 2017, 13:00-14:30
493 lecture room, Future University Hakodate (Room G of 2017 Joint Convention)
Hiroshi Tsutsui, Yoshikazu Miyanaga (Hokkaido University)
- Opening from the Chair of IEICE Hokkaido Section
- IEICE Bangkok Section and Globalization Activities
Prof. Supavadee Aramvith
Chair of IEICE Thailand Section,
Associate Professor, Chulalongkon University - Panel Discussion on Globalization
- Global Activity of Future University Hakodate
Prof. Masaaki Shirase, Future University Hakodate - Global Activity of Kitami Institute of Technology
Prof. Masakiyo Suzuki, Kitami Institute of Technology - Global Activity of Muroran Institute of Technology
Prof. Hideki Kawaguchi, Muroran Institute of Technology - Open Discussion
Prof. Yoshikazu Miyanaga, Hokkaido University
- Global Activity of Future University Hakodate
- 2017 Joint Convention, the Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan:
- Special Sessions in 2017 Joint Convention:
- Access information to the venue of 2017 Joint Convention: