
No 172941
標題(和) A trick for accurate differentiation at low sampling rates
標題(英) A trick for accurate differentiation at low sampling rates
研究会名(和) 回路とシステム, 信号処理, 通信方式
研究会名(英) Circuits and Systems, Signal Processing, Communication Systems
開催年月日 2006-03-06
終了年月日 2006-03-07
会議種別コード 5
資料番号 CAS2005-106, SIP2005-152, CS2005-99
抄録(英) Digital differentiators are an important type of digital filters which find many applications in instrumentation and control. The performance of the available designs of digital differentiators is poor in the higher frequency band, as compared to that in the lower band. Therefore, for accurate differentiation, the input signal needs to be sampled at higher sampling rates, to restrict the signal have all the information in the lower frequency band. Higher sampling rate needs higher computational and storage burden, and moreover, in certain cases, we don’t have control over the sampling frequency. A possible solution could be upsampling the signal before feeding it to the differentiator; however, upsampling would introduce its own inaccuracies. In this paper, we study digital differentiators more closely, and find the minimum sampling rates that would ensure determination of derivatives at higher accuracies. The effect of the inaccuracies introduced by upsampling, on the output of the differentiator is also investigated.
収録資料名(和) 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告
収録資料の巻号 Vol.105, No.633,635,637
ページ開始 61
ページ終了 66
キーワード(英) FIR Digital Differentiators,Maximally Linear,Linear Phase Digital Filters,Explicit Formulas
本文の言語 ENG
著者(和) イシティアク ラスール カーン
著者(英) Ishtiaq Rasool Khan
所属機関(和) 北九州市立大学
所属機関(英) The University of Kitakyushu
著者(和) 奥田正浩
著者(ヨミ) オクダ マサヒロ
著者(英) Masahiro Okuda
所属機関(和) 北九州市立大学
所属機関(英) The University of Kitakyushu

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