Appendix E : Guidelines for Submission of Electronic Graphics Data

Contents of this guide:

General Information


File Format


In case of submission of the data of electronic graphics included in a manuscript for the IEICE Transactions, we strongly recommend you to prepare these data in PostScript, Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), and Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) .
In order to facilitate the prompt and accurate handling of your graphics, the IEICE Publishing Office have developed the following guidelines. Please send any comments or questions to us.

Please follow these guidelines when submitting the electronic data of your figures:

General Information

  • We strongly recommend that the data of electronic graphics included in a manuscript should be submitted in PostScript, EPS, or TIFF formats. In case of submitting graphics data in TIFF, please make sure that the graphics contain all of the required tags.
  • Graphics data should be submitted in electronic media, such as FD, MO, and CD-R. If you are submitting your manuscript on disk, please submit your graphics data on disks separate from your manuscript data.
  • Note that please include a scannable proof so we can verify that we have received the proper version of each graphic. If there is a problem with your graphic data, we will contact you for a revised electronic graphic. If the revised graphic is unusable, we will scan your proof.
    NOTE: On the process of the printing of our Transactions, the electronic graphic data would be not always provided as the same appearance as the author had made it.Such problems might be caused by the difference of the font belonging to the system.
    In the case of lack of the font information that you'd used in your manuscript, replacement of the font would be often happened.
    Furthermore, the deference of the density of the printer would made more definitive mistakes in the graphs and charts, for example, extremely thin lines would be not printed on the paper by our printer.
  • If a graphic is to appear in print as black & white, it should be submitted as a black & white file. If a graphic is to appear in color it should be submitted as a color TIFF file. Alternately, a color graphic may be scanned.

  • Submit all figures in separate files in ***.tif or ***.eps format and sized to a one or two column width. Type size should be approx 8 pt.and images should be at the appropriate dpi resolution.
  • Tables should be submitted as ***.tif or ***.eps files along with a clear hardcopy.
  • Required resolution:
  • line art at 600 dpi.
  • Grayscale and author photos at 220 dpi.
  • Color at 300 dpi, indexed color mode.
  • Two copies of the file along with the original figures and photos should be sent to IEICE Publishing Office with the approval of the Transactions Editor-in-Chief.
  • If there would be some figures that you feel like to make printed with colors, please note that in advance, your page charges are much higher than usual. For your reference, it would cost you at least 100,000-150,000yen per page. For the purpose of cost-saving, it would be available some figures together within one page in spite of serial number of figures.
  • Please use lower case letters when naming figures, tables, and author photographs. Figures should contain only the image and not the caption text. Tables should contain only the body of the table. Below is the naming convention for these kinds of images.
    • Author photographs should be named as the first five characters of the author's last name, followed by the resolution (should always be 220 dpi 8bits/sample). Thus, four author photographs for a paper may be named: tarou.220, jiroh.220, or ken.220, and sabur.220 (for saburoh's author photograph).
    • The final printed size of an author photograph is exactly 1" wide by 1 1/4" long (6 picas x 7 1/2 picas). Please ensure that the author photographs you submit are proportioned similarly. If the author photograph does not appear at the end of the paper, then please size it so that it is proportional to the standard size of 1 7/12" wide by 2" long (9 1/2 picas x 12 picas).
  • A column wide graphic can be no wider than 3 1/2" or 21 picas. A page wide figure can be no larger than 7 1/6" or 43 picas wide. The maximum depth of a graphic is 9 2/3" or 58 picas. Please allow space for the caption and any labels.


In order to save disk space or to get a graphic to fit on disk, please use the following compression methods.

  • compress
  • gzip
  • zip
  • winzip
  • lzh
  • stuffit

File Formats

When preparing your graphics in either of these formats please keep the following points in mind. If a graphic calls for fonts directly it is preferable if you use one of these Adobe Type 1 fonts.

  1. Times Roman
  2. Helvetica
  3. Helvetica Narrow
  4. Courier
  5. Symbol
  6. Palatino
  7. Bookman
  8. Zapf Chancery
  9. Zapf Dingbats
  10. New Century Schoolbook

It is best if you can encode the files prior to submitting them. As part of the production process PostScript and EPS files are converted to TIFF format.