Top page > Membership > Notifications > Notice of withdrawal from membership

Notice of withdrawal from membership
Note: (Airticle9)Membership fees shall be paid in advance covering a single year or several years. (Article12)Members who withdraw from the Institute because they are expelled or because they lose eligibility for membership as per the preceding.Article、forfeit any dues they may have already paid.

If you have any questions, please ask member【at】

Personal Information

Membership Number
E-mail Address (XXX@XX.XX)
E-mail Address (for a check) (XXX@XX.XX)

The desired month of withdrawal
 (In case of blank,we will proceed withdrawal at the end of the month)

The desired month of withdrawal Year / Month

Reason for Withdrawal

Reason for Withdrawal
(Mark all that apply)
1.Change of career or major
3.Membership fee is expensive
4.Luck of interest
6.Transactions and Journals available at office
7.Harder than expected
8.None of the above
※Person who choose `none of the above',please explain the reason.
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