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IEICE Electronics Express(ELEX) Terms of Use

IEICE Electronics Express(ELEX) Terms of Use

March 22, 2004.
IEICE Electronics Express Editorial Committee

(1) Object and purpose:

The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (hereafter referred to as "IEICE") performs its business (hereafter referred to as "BUSINESS") of regularly publishing the IEICE Electronics Express (hereafter referred to as "ELEX") by electrically releasing papers and other related information or documents, which hereafter are referred to in total as "CONTENTS." All of the CONTENTS are edited and produced by the ELEX Editorial Committee, which is under control of the IEICE Electronics Society Steering Committee. The IEICE releases the CONTENTS by placing them on web pages (hereafter referred to as "WEB PAGES") that the IEICE designates, and by distributing archives of the CONTENTS in any kind of formats specified by the IEICE.
2. The IEICE performs the BUSINESS in cooperation with outside parties (hereafter referred to as "PARTNERS") based on agreements between the IEICE and PARTNERS, when the IEICE judges that such cooperation is essential for the BUSINESS.
3. All individuals (hereafter referred to as "USERS") who perform actions of browsing, downloading, saving the CONTENTS, printing their copies, setting up hyperlinks to the CONTENTS, and tracing hyperlinks provided by the IEICE (hereafter referred to as "USE") should agree with these terms (hereafter referred to as "TERMS.")

(2)Intellectual Property Rights

Copyrights of all the papers have been transferred to the IEICE by authors. Intellectual property rights, with copyrights inclusive, of parts of the CONTENTS other than the papers, and of any kind of products accomplished by editing the CONTENTS belong to the IEICE. These rights are protected under Copyright Law and other laws relevant to intellectual property rights in Japan. These rights are also protected by Copyright Law and other laws relevant to intellectual property rights in countries/areas where USERS USE the CONTENTS.

(3) Bodies of papers released on the WEB PAGES:

Each paper is released on the WEB PAGES, in combination of text-based bibliographical information and complete version in PDF format.

(4) Prohibition:

USERS are prohibited from (i) duplicating the entire or the major part of the WEB PAGES, (ii) violating the security of the WEB PAGES, (iii) causing unreasonably large load on the network or on the server by downloading a huge amount of the CONTENTS at one time, (iv) forging, tampering with or destroying the CONTENTS on the WEB PAGES, (v) selling downloaded CONTENTS whether they remain as downloaded or are deformed, (vi) distributing downloaded papers whether they remain as downloaded or are deformed, and (vii) decompiling or reverse engineering downloaded CONTENTS that are provided as password-protected. The IEICE reserves the rights to deny USE to USERS who perform or attempt to perform the above-mentioned prohibited actions.

(5) Authorized USE:

USERS are permitted to USE the CONTENTS for private research purposes only. USERS are not allowed to USE them for any kind of commercial purposes. The IEICE agrees that USERS may USE the CONTENTS free of charge until the IEICE announces otherwise. In USING PDF-format versions of papers, USERS should quote their ID and password, which are issued provided that USERS register themselves in methods specified by the IEICE.

(6) Privacy:

When USERS register themselves for the purpose of having their ID and password issued, USERS provide the IEICE with their personal identifiable information. The IEICE collects the personal identifiable information and records of the respective USERS' USE (such as IP address, domain name, data downloaded, browser used, time of access, and so on). Both are referred to as "PERSONAL INFORMATION."
The IEICE may use the collected PERSONAL INFORMATION only in activities for the purpose of improving its publishing services and providing USERS with further benefits. Examples of such activities are statistical analysis of access, e-mail alerts of the latest updates, and requests for comments and suggestions regarding the ELEX services. The IEICE may aggregate PERSONAL INFORMATION and may share the aggregated information, with reference to which USERS cannot be personally identified, with PARTNERS. PARTNERS may use the information under the agreement between the IEICE and the PARTNERS, and the privacy policy of the PARTNERS. Except the above-stated cases, the IEICE will not disclose PERSONAL INFORMATION unless the law requires it.

(7) Liability:

The IEICE performs the BUSINESS without any kind of guarantee. More specifically all the CONTENTS are released without any kind of guarantee of the IEICE. USERS agree to USE the CONTENTS at their own risk. The IEICE is not responsible for damage that USERS may suffer as a result of either USING or being unable to USE the CONTENTS. The IEICE will not recompense USERS for such damage in any manner.
Mentioned below are particular examples of, i.e., not all of, terms regarding which the IEICE gives no guarantee and disclaims all responsibilities

1. The IEICE does not guarantee accuracy or reliability of papers published in ELEX since papers are an expression of authors' view.
2. The IEICE does not give guarantee that the CONTENTS downloaded and saved by USERS are identical to those published in the WEB PAGES.
3. The IEICE and PARTNERS take measures for protecting the WEB PAGES from cracking, forgery, or tampering. The IEICE, however, does not guarantee that the WEB PAGES are free of such cracking, forgery or tampering.
4. The IEICE does not guarantee that outbound hyperlinks such as links to references are exact and perpetually valid since targeted URLs are in general not under control of the IEICE and might be changed easily.
5. The IEICE takes measures to ensure that the released bodies of papers are identical to their original, and that the declared date of publishing are precise. Neither the originality of released bodies nor the preciseness of declared date of publishing is, however, guaranteed by the IEICE.
6. If USERS disclose their own PERSONAL INFORMATION in their own initiative to outside parties, the IEICE is not responsible for damage that the USERS may suffer as a result.
7. The IEICE may suspend the BUSINESS temporarily or perpetually, whenever the IEICE judges that the BUSINESS should be suspended. The IEICE, consequently, does not give guarantee that the BUSINESS will be continuously and perpetually performed.

(8) Execution of TERMS:

Rules essential for executing these TERMS are determined by the ELEX Editorial Committee.

(9) Amendment of TERMS:

The IEICE may amend the TERMS without advance notification when the IEICE judges that such amendment is necessary. The TERMS may be amended based on the decision of the ELEX Editorial Committee and the agreement of the IEICE Electronics Society Steering Committee and of the IEICE Editorial Board.

(10) Law:

The laws of Japan apply to understanding and execution of the TERMS. Any lawsuit related to the TERMS is to be filed and judged at the Tokyo District Court of Japan.

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