Distinguished Educational Practitioners Award

For contributions to data engineering education

Shunsuke UEMURA

Shunsuke UEMURA  Dr. Uemura Shunsuke is a professor emeritus at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan. He has been a member of the research staff at MITI's Electrotechnical Laboratory, a visiting researcher at MIT's Electronic Systems Laboratory, and a professor at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. He received a BE, an ME, and a Dr. Eng. from Kyoto University in 1964, 1966 and 1975 respectively. His research interests include database systems and bioinformatics. He is a fellow of the IEICE, Japan, IEEE, and the Information Processing Society of Japan.
Dr. Uemura is one of the pioneers and leading scientists in the field of computer science through his outstanding contributions to database engineering, especially to database machine technology. His contribution to education on database concepts has also been extraordinary. Dr. Uemura has been an enthusiastic educator on database concepts and systems. As a lecturer, he has developed database engineering courses at various universities, including Tokyo Institute of Technology and Keio University. He wrote a highly appraised Japanese textbook on database systems in 1979, which has been used widely as a standard course text at universities. Some of his students are now leading this area as university professors or as researchers. In this sense, he has produced many contributions to education in this field in Japan and is in active service now at several universities.
Based on these activities, Dr. Uemura Shunsuke has been extraordinarily qualified for the IEICE Distinguished Educational Practitioners Award.
For the list of publications including many articles in Japanese, please refer to;