Distinguished Achievement and Contributions Award


Yutaka MIYAMOTO  Dr. Miyamoto graduated from the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, in 1986 and completed his masterfs course at the same university in 1988. The same year, he joined Transmission Systems Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT). He became a senior research engineer in 2001, a senior research engineer/group leader in 2009, a distinguished researcher in 2009, and a senior distinguished researcher in 2011, all in NTT Network Innovation Laboratories. Currently, he is a senior distinguished researcher in NTT Network Innovation Laboratories and director of the Innovative Photonic Network Center at the same laboratories.
   Over a long period, Dr. Miyamoto has been engaged in research on the core technologies for high-speed, high-capacity optical transmission systems used in optical networks, and has made many achievements. In particular, he has made outstanding achievements in research on the coherent, multicarrier, multilevel modulation/demodulation system. This system makes it possible to increase the capacity and the transmission distance of backbone optical networks, which constitute an information communication infrastructure.
   Conventional optical transmission systems use two-level intensity modulation, in which the intensity of the optical signal is switched on and off according to the digital signal to be transmitted on a wavelength. The receiver cannot use the frequency and phase information of the optical signal. Therefore, it is difficult to compensate for waveform distortion that arises in an optical fiber. As a result, at a speed above 10 Gbit/s per wavelength, there is a limit to the transmission distance, the efficiency in the use of optical frequencies, and the transmission capacity. Dr. Miyamoto proposed a coherent multicarrier multilevel modulation/demodulation system, which uses multiple phase-synchronized, but mutually interfering, coherent carriers to achieve long-distance transmission. In particular, by arranging carriers at a frequency interval that matches the repetition frequency of the transmitted optical pulses, he demonstrated for the first time that it was possible to achieve a speed of over 100 Gbit/s per wavelength and long-haul transmission. By using coherent multicarrier, multilevel modulation, he overcame the limit to the transmission distance of conventional optical transmission systems, and demonstrated, for the first time, long-distance wavelength-division multiplexing transmission over 10,000 km, a distance over 100 times greater than that achievable with conventional systems. He also attained a frequency usage efficiency 30 times higher than that of conventional systems in super-high-speed channel transmission at a speed exceeding 100 Gbit/s per wavelength. He made high-capacity transmission of 70 Tbit/s on a single fiber possible. This speed is nearly two orders of magnitude higher than that of conventional systems (0.8 Tbit/s). These high-speed, high-capacity optical transmission technologies make possible the sustained development of a robust social infrastructure for the information society, and also contribute enormously to industry because they are in a technical field where Japanese industry is competitive. By demonstrating for the first time that the technologies he proposed can break the conventional limit to the transmission capacity per fiber, he accelerated advances in digital coherent transmission and the exploration of a new technical field of space-division multiplexing optical transmission.
   In recognition of his achievements mentioned above, Dr. Miyamoto received the Maejima Hisoka Award, and the Minster of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award. He has led the technical progress in this field through numerous feasibility tests in which he was involved. He has contributed to the development of this field by serving as a member or chair of program committees in the relevant international conferences. In addition, since 2013, as director of NTT Innovative Photonic Network Center, he has been leading the fundamental research on advanced optical transmission technology and networking technology, and he continues to produce world-leading results. He has contributed to the development of IEICE by serving as chair of a technical committee and as director of Editorial and Publishing Affairs.
   As shown above, his achievements in and contributions to the information and communication field have been outstanding. We confidently believe that Dr. Miyamoto deserves to receive the Distinguished Achievement and Contributions Award from the IEICE.