Honorary Member

Makoto ANDO

Makoto ANDO  Dr. Makoto Ando received the D.E. degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1979. Thereupon he joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation (NTT) and worked at its Yokosuka Electrical Communication Laboratory. In 1982, he moved to the Tokyo Institute of Technology where he worked as a research associate. He became associate professor in the Department of Physical Electronics in 1985, associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 1987, and professor in the same Department in 1995, all at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
   In his characteristically energetic manner, Dr. Ando has been at the forefront of research into antennas, radio propagation and electromagnetic theory over a long period in both the Yokosuka Electrical Communication Laboratory, NTT and the Tokyo Institute of Technology, and has made many outstanding achievements. He has also been active in student education, with many excellent students graduating from the institute as a result. Specifically, he first focused on electromagnetic theory, and was one of pioneers in establishing high-frequency diffraction theory, arriving at new interpretations of diffraction phenomena, and a new method for the design of reflector antennas. Then, in the field of antenna and propagation, he developed high-efficiency planar antennas, establishing a new engineering field, which has since received international recognition. He has innumerable achievements to his credit, in particular, in advanced radial line slot antennas from the research to the commercialization stage. These achievements have led to the development of antennas used in many fields, including those designed to receive TV broadcast signals sent from satellites, plasma excitation antennas for use in the plasma process, and data transmission antennas mounted on two planetary probe satellites, Akatsuki and Hayabusa 2, thereby making significant contributions to the development of these fields. In addition to educating young researchers, he still plays a leading role in the promotion and diffusion of millimeter-wave wireless communication in Japan.
   His achievements cover the entire spectrum of radio science and engineering. His input into the formulation of Japanfs radio policy has been invaluable. He has played a leading role in the creation of new scientific fields by serving as an expert member in the Information and Communications Council, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and as a temporary member in the Advisory Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and been engaged as an expert advisor (electrical and electronic engineering) to the Research Center for Science Systems, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. His service in international scientific organizations, such as president of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, chair of Commission B, International Radio Scientific Union (URSI), and vice president of URSI, represents some of the most important contributions of Japan and Asia to this field. Within the IEICE, he has aided its development through activities that cut across different societies, including his service as chair of technical committees, editor of the IEICE transactions, president of the Electronics Society, and vice president of the IEICE. He played a central role in the launch and establishment of many scientific conferences, in particular, the Antenna and Propagation Workshop Series and International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), which later developed into a key meeting in the Asian region. He demonstrated his exceptional creativity in planning and running these conferences.
   For the achievements mentioned above, Dr. Makoto Ando received the Young Researchers Award, the Achievement Award, the Paper Award and the Distinguished Achievement and Contributions Award from the IEICE. He also received the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation Award, the Inoue Prize for Science, both the Meritorious Award on Radio and the Meritorious Award on Contributions to the Promotion of Computerization from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and the NHK Broadcast Culture Award. He was made a fellow by both the IEICE and IEEE.
   For his outstanding contributions, as described above, to the development of the electronic, information and communication field, including the antenna, radio propagation and electromagnetic fields, we are recommend that Dr. Makoto Ando be made a fellow, honorary member of the IEICE.