Achievement Award

Pioneering research on Diversified Educational Systems using Information & Communication Technology

Yasutaka SHIMIZU

  A major topic in educational technology is development of educational systems which use information and communication technology (ICT) [1] to go beyond spatio-temporal restrictions. Prof. Shimizu has used his leadership and creativity to establish and promote educational systems and institutions which use ICT.
   Since the early 1970s, various distance education systems utilizing telephone, microwave, optical fiber, and satellite communications were developed and tested in order to determine their validity for use in education [2]-[4]. In particular, the learning effectiveness of these communication methods was compared to the effectiveness of conventional face-to-face instruction. Educational programs using satellite communication have been established to provide a nation-wide system for classroom instruction (el-Net) [5] and for higher education (SCS, ANDES) [6] through the establishment of a network for educational institutions. This educational format was subsequently applied to education programs which are delivered internationally. For example, ANDES at Tokyo Institute of Technology provided a formal international program to students in Thailand and the Philippines. That program continues today, and currently uses Internet communication.
   Though distance education was promoted, delivery of for-credit courses was not permitted at that time. All distance education courses required face-to-face instruction to assure the quality of the programs. The success of using distance education systems to improve learning performance resulted in a revision of the official requirements for higher education and distance learning for-credit courses have been offered since 1998. Another problem with distance education systems was the inability to publicly transmit the contents of course materials due to copyright laws regarding publication [7]. That regulation was eased through a proposal to update copyright law, and successful revision of the law occurred in 2004. The transition of most distance education programs to Internet-based systems, beginning in 2000, strongly contributed to the proliferation of these activities, and to research and development work following revision of the law.
   Concomitant with technical development, acceptance by society and proactive usage are essential for the promotion and expansion of ICT. Prof. Shimizu has made a variety of contributions to "ICT in Education" which consists of cultivation of information literacy, use of ICT in combination with classroom instruction, and use of ICT in course materials [1]. Introduction of computers into schools has been promoted since 1985, in accordance with a national plan for Japan. In 1996, a proposal for "Information Technology Education" and revision of government curriculum guidelines were launched. During the early years of Internet use in Japanese society, promotion of "Information Technology Education" was quite a significant development for Japan. The current state of advanced development of ICT and the network equipment used have stimulated diversification of learning activity and improved the learning environment tremendously [9,10]. Expansion of ICT has produced additional opportunities in the education field.
   As stated above, Prof. Shimizu achieved a breakthrough in the area of educational technology research. Through fostering reforms of institutions and laws, he established various educational systems which use ICT to provide our society with the many benefits of this modern form of education. Prof. Shimizu has made an outstanding contribution to the promotion of ICT throughout Japanese education and the results of his engineering research have been and are highly regarded. Accordingly, he richly deserves to receive the IEICE Achievement Award.


  1. Y. Shimizu, "Historical Development of Educational Technology for 50 Years,", J. of the IEICE, vol.98 No.12, pp.1091-1099 Dec 2015.
  2. Y. Shimizu, T. Maesako, "Evaluation of TV-Lecture Connecting Two Campuses by Optical Fiber Cable,", IEICE Trans. vol. J69-A, no. 10, pp. 1181-1189, Oct. 1986.
  3. Y. Shimizu, "Feasibility Study on Refresher Education for Engineers," J. of the IEICE, vol. 76, no. 7, pp. 767-770, July 1993.
  4. O. Ui, M. Nakayama, Y. Shimizu, "Evaluation of Two Different Delivery Systems for Distance Education by Satellite," IEICE Trans., vol. J80-D-II, no. 4, pp.892-899, April 1997.
  5. Association for Promotion of Satellite Education, " Eisei tsusin kyoiku no ayumi," 2012.
  6. K. Tanaka, K. Kondo, "Configuration of Inter-University Satellite Network (Space Collaboration System), IEICE Trans. , vol. J82-DI, no. 4, pp. 581-588, April 1999.
  7. Ministry of Education, "Konpyuta, inta-netto nadowo katsuyousita tyosakubutuno kyouikuriyou ni tuite,", pp. 1-16, 2000.
  8. Ministry of Education, "Taikeitekina jyohokyouikuno jissinimukete -zyohouka no sintenni taiousita syotou tyutou kyouikuni okeru zyohou kyoiku no suisinni kansuru tyousakenkyu kyoryokusya kaigi dai 1-ji houkoku," pp. 1-38, Oct. 1997.
  9. MEXT, "Kyoiku no jyouhouka ni kansuru tebiki," pp. 1-236, 2010.
  10. Y. Shimizu, "Trend and Research on One to One Computer in Educational Environment," Japan J. Educ. Tech., vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 183-192, Dec. 2014.