Honorary Member
Yuji Inoue
  Dr. Yuji Inoue completed his M.E. degree at Kyushu University Graduate School of Engineering in 1973, and joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation (now, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, or NTT) Yokosuka Electrical Communication Laboratory that same year. After serving in NTT Telecommunication Networks Laboratories and NTT Global Business Headquarters, he was appointed Director of NTT Multimedia Networks Laboratories in 1998, Deputy Director of R&D Headquarters, NTT Data Corporation in 1999, Senior Executive Manager of Development Headquarters and concurrently Senior Manager of IT Service Partner Headquarters of the Business Planning Headquarters in 2000, NTT Corporation Senior Vice President and Director of R&D Strategy Department and Executive Director of Department III (responsible for NTT Group's R&D) in 2002, and President and CEO of the Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC) in 2007. In 2010, Dr. Inoue was appointed the Chairman of the Toyota Info Technology Center, a position that he continues to hold today.
  He was first engaged in research and development of digital networks and multimedia network services, and made significant contributions in the area of international standardization. He was involved in developing a master-slave synchronization oscillator as a platform for digital network synchronization schemes, promoting development of digital subscriber loop transmission in ISDN R&D, and pushing for deployment of ISDN in Japan. He played a leading role in the development of Broadband ISDN, and was instrumental in establishing the key underlying ATM technology and adapting it to networks. In his capacity as Special Rapporteur of Study Group XVIII of the ITU-T, formerly CCITT, he contributed to international standardization of the ISDN interface, QoS, and service specifications for both narrowband and broadband ISDN. Dr. Inoue had a leadership role in the international standardization of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH). One of Dr. Inoue most significant contributions was the integration of three disparate systems that existed at the time into a single unified SONET/SDH global standard. He was also closely involved in R&D and international standardization of the network software architecture that seamlessly integrated information processing and communications. He was instrumental in establishing the Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture Consortium (TINA-C), and served as Chairman of the Technology Forum and other key positions. He was a forceful proponent of widespread deployment of the distributed networking architecture.
  Dr. Inoue is also a strong advocate of technological cooperation and exchanges with other Asian countries, and was a key player in establishing the Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication Technologies (APSITT) to start up exchanges between organizations in Japan (IEICE and other academic societies) and similar organizations in other countries. He thus made a significant contribution by promoting and encouraging exchanges between the advanced IT nation and many other countries. Dr. Inoue thus played a central role in the development of digital networks and multimedia network services, for which he received the Ministry of Internal Affairs Award (2009), was named a IEICE Fellow (2002), and elected IEEE Fellow (2001). He has also been very actively involved in supporting the development of the IEICE by serving as President of the Communication Society (2006), Project Leader of IScover (from 2013), as President of the IEICE (2013), and other IEICE positions.
  As mentioned above, Dr. Yuji Inoue has made outstanding contributions to the development of electronic, information and communication technologies through his activities in the IEICE, in other pertinent academic societies, and standardization bodies, and thus we hereby recommend that he be made a fellow, honorary member.
