[IEICE-CS eNews<2023-36>]国際会議APCC2023のご案内(投稿締切再延長:7月30日) July 10, 2023. 通信ソサイエティ各位 通信ソサイエティが技術協催するThe 28th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC2023)が、2023年11月19日(日)~11月22日(水)にオーストラリア・シドニーにおいて開催されます。 この度、論文投稿〆切が2023年7月30日に再延長されましたので、皆様の積極的なご投稿をお願いいたします。詳細につきましては、以下をご参照ください。 http://apcc2023.org/ IMPORTANT DATES Regular/special paper submission: Manuscript submission: May 30, 2023 -> June 30, 2023 -> July 30, 2023 Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2023 -> July 30, 2023 -> T.B.D Camera-ready submission: August 15, 2023 -> August 25, 2023 -> T.B.D CALL FOR PAPERS The Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) is an annual event bringing together exceptional researchers and cutting-edge innovators from industries and academics around the world. The 28th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) will be held in Sydney, Australia, 19-22 November, 2023 and it is hosted by Western Sydney University. The theme of this year’s conference is Enabling Technologies for Smart Cities. In addition to high-quality technical sessions, the APCC2023 will feature exciting keynotes, tutorials and workshops. It will also offer a fantastic social program. The conference program will run for four days with regular tracks, special sessions, tutorials and workshops. For the tracks and special sessions, we invite you to contribute your original work on topics in the following, but not limited to, areas: Signal Processing for Communications - Massive MIMO signal processing - Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) signal processing - 6G wireless communication signal processing - Visible light communication (VLC) signal processing - Cognitive radio network signal processing - Secure communication signal processing - Edge computing signal processing - Green communication signal processing - Internet of Things (IoT) network signal processing - Underwater communication signal processing. Wireless Communications - Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communication networks - Internet of Things (IoT) networks for industry 4.0 - Intelligent reflecting surfaces for wireless communications - Low-latency communication for industrial automation - Spectrum sharing and coexistence in heterogeneous networks - Privacy and security in wireless communications - Hybrid communication networks for smart cities - Visible light communication (VLC) for intelligent transportation systems (ITS) - Ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC) for mission-critical applications - Wireless charging and energy harvesting for IoT devices. Wireless Networks - Machine learning and artificial intelligence for wireless networks - Multi-access edge computing (MEC) for 5G and beyond - Blockchain for secure and decentralized wireless networks - Intelligent transport systems (ITS) and vehicular networks - Network function virtualization (NFV) and software-defined networking (SDN) for wireless networks - Smart grid communications and power control - 6G wireless networks and beyond - Wireless network slicing for network customization and service differentiation - Social network analysis for wireless network optimization - Green wireless networks and sustainable communication technologies. Emerging Technologies, Applications, and Services Track - Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities - Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for emerging technologies - Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLT) - Edge and fog computing for emerging applications and services - Cloud computing and services for emerging technologies - Cybersecurity and privacy for emerging technologies and applications - Quantum computing and cryptography - Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) for emerging applications and services - Big data and analytics for emerging technologies and services - Human-computer interaction (HCI) and user experience (UX) for emerging technologies and services. Special Session: Image Processing and Wireless Communications - Image detection using communication techniques - Machine learning and image processing - Image and Internet of Things. SUBMISSION & POLICIES Submitted papers (for both regular and special sessions) are subject to a blind reviewed process handled by an international technical program committee. An author of an accepted paper must register at full rate (member or non-member of the IEEE) prior to uploading the camera-ready version. The maximum length of the camera-ready version is 6 pages without incurring additional page charges (maximum 1 additional page with over length page charge of USD 100 if accepted). Papers exceeding 10 pages will not be accepted at EDAS. Conference proceedings that meet IEEE quality review standards may be eligible for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference. Paper submission on EDAS: https://edas.info/N30676 ◇◆当メールについて---------------------------------------- このメ-ルアドレスは送信専用となっております。 返信は受付できま せんので、ご了承ください。 電子メ-ルによる情報配信を必要としない方は,マイペ-ジにアクセス し、左メニュ-にある各種申請の「メ-ルアドレス/メ-ル配信変更」から 配信停止の手続きをお願い致します。ただし、すべての情報配信を希望 されない場合でも、選挙や会費のお知らせ等の学会からの重要なお知ら せについては配信されますので、ご了承ください。 マイペ-ジ:https://cmweb3.ieice.org/Kjn/kjn0010.aspx ---------------------------END------------------------------