[IEICE-CS eNews<2022-35>]APMC 2022 論文投稿締切延長のお知らせ - Deadline Extended! June 20, 2022. ********************** ご案内 *************************** APMC 2022 論文投稿締切を 7月1日(金)まで延長いたしました! 皆様奮ってのご投稿をお願いいたします! We decided extending the paper submission deadline, and we would like to encourage all of you to submit paper to APMC 2022. The new date is Jul. 1st, 2022. APMC 2022 (2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference) https://apmc2022.org/ *** Call for Paper (Deadline extended until July 1.) *************** Please refer to: https://apmc2022.org/pdf/apmc2022_FinalCFP.pdf - The paper submission site: https://apmc2022.org/b/papersubmission.html *** IMPORTANT DATES **************************************************** Paper submission due: Jul. 1st, 2022 (Extended from Jun. 17, 2022) Notification of acceptance: Aug. 31st, 2022 Final manuscript submission due: Sep. 21st, 2022 ************************************************************************ Conference Topics -Active Devices and Circuits -Passive Components -Field Analysis, Simulation and Characterization Techniques -Antennas and Propagation -Systems and Applications -Emerging Technologies and Applications ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Organized and sponsored by The Institute of Electronics Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) of Japan Supported by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Special Collaboration with Yokohama Convention & Visitors Bureau Technical Sponsors IEEE MTT-S IEEE AP-S European Microwave Association (EuMA) Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale (URSI) IEEE MTT-S Japan/Kansai/Nagoya Chapters IEICE Technical Committee on Microwaves IEICE Technical Committee on Electronics Simulation Technology IEICE Technical Committee on Integrated Circuits and Devices IEICE Technical Committee on Electron Devices IEICE Technical Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility IEICE Technical Committee on Antennas and Propagation Japan Society of Electromagnetic Wave Energy Applications Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging IEEJ Investigating R&D Committee on Innovative Advanced Application Technology of Electromagnetic Waves in the 5G/Beyond 5G Era IEEJ Investigating R&D Committee on High-frequency Magnetics JSPS R024 Electromagnetic-Wave-Excited Reaction Field JSPS University-Industry Cooperative Research Committee 187th committee on Metamaterials Wireless Power Transfer Consortium for Practical Applications Sincerely, Yoshinori Kogami Steering Committee Chair, APMC 2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ◇◆当メールについて---------------------------------------- このメ-ルアドレスは送信専用となっております。 返信は受付できま せんので、ご了承ください。 電子メ-ルによる情報配信を必要としない方は,マイペ-ジにアクセス し、左メニュ-にある各種申請の「メ-ルアドレス/メ-ル配信変更」から 配信停止の手続きをお願い致します。ただし、すべての情報配信を希望 されない場合でも、選挙や会費のお知らせ等の学会からの重要なお知ら せについては配信されますので、ご了承ください。 マイペ-ジ:https://cmweb3.ieice.org/Kjn/kjn0010.aspx ---------------------------END------------------------------