[IEICE-CS eNews<2022-34>]Extension of APCC 2022 deadline for submission of papers June 14, 2022. The 27th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communication (APCC 2022) (http://apcc2022.org/) October 19 (Wed.) - 21 (Fri.), 2022, Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju Island, Korea --------------------------------------------Call for Papers-------------------------------------------- ---Important Dates --- Paper Submission Deadline: June 30, 2022 (Extended from May 31, 2022) Notification of acceptance: July 20, 2022 Camera-ready submission: August 15, 2022 Tutorial proposals: May 31, 2022 -- SCOPE --- The 27th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2022) will be held at Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel in Korea, during October 19-21, 2022. Since 1993, APCC has been a technical forum for researchers and engineers to interact and disseminate information on the latest developments in advanced communication and information technologies.  APCC 2022 will be co-located with International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC 2022). Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for presentation at the conference and publication in the conference proceedings. ---Potential topics are solicited in, but not limited to the following topics--- ・Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Communications ・Ad hoc and Sensor Networks ・Antennas and Propagations ・Broadband Wireless Access ・Cognitive Radio and Networks ・Communication Protocol and Architecture ・Communication Theory ・Communication and Information Systems Security ・Communication Software, Services and Multimedia Applications ・Cooperative Communication and Relaying ・Future Internet and Networks ・Green Communication Systems and Network ・Information Theory and Channel Coding ・IoT and Applications ・mmWave and THz Communications ・Mobility Management ・Multimedia Communications ・Multiple Antenna Techniques ・Network and Information Security ・Network Applications and Services ・Next-Generation Technologies, Applications, Services, and Networking ・Optical Networks and Systems ・QoS and Resource Management ・Satellite and Space Communications ・Signal Processing for Communications ・Switching and Routing ・Wireless and Mobile Networks ・Wireless Communications --- Submission Guidelines --- The paper submission process will be managed by using EDAS: http://edas.info. Prospective authors may submit full or short papers. Paper length should be five or six pages for a full paper and two pages for a short paper including figures, tables, references, and appendices. Please use the standard IEEE conference proceedings templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX format on A4 size pages found at https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html. Accepted papers will be published in the APCC 2022 Conference Proceedings and in IEEE Xplore for which at least one author is required to register for the conference at the full rate. --- Selected Journal Publication--- Extended versions of selected papers will be invited for publication in an upcoming issue of JCN (Journal of Communications and Networks) and ICT Express, which are SCIE-indexed international journals published by KICS, after a suitable peer-review and further revisions (http://www.jcn.or.kr and https://www.journals.elsevier.com/ict-express). ---Best Paper Awards --- The APCC 2022 will present the Best Paper Awards to the selected outstanding full papers presented during the conference. ◇◆当メールについて---------------------------------------- このメ-ルアドレスは送信専用となっております。 返信は受付できま せんので、ご了承ください。 電子メ-ルによる情報配信を必要としない方は,マイペ-ジにアクセス し、左メニュ-にある各種申請の「メ-ルアドレス/メ-ル配信変更」から 配信停止の手続きをお願い致します。ただし、すべての情報配信を希望 されない場合でも、選挙や会費のお知らせ等の学会からの重要なお知ら せについては配信されますので、ご了承ください。 マイペ-ジ:https://cmweb3.ieice.org/Kjn/kjn0010.aspx ---------------------------END------------------------------