[IEICE-CS eNews<2022-31>]論文誌目次(6月号) June 1, 2022.  ◆◆◆  ◆◆◆ ~~~~~~~~~CS Email News~~~~~~~~~~~~ ◆    ◆              2022年6月1日発行 ◆     ◆◆◆       発信元 IEICE 通信ソサイエティ ◆       ◆     https://www.ieice.org/cs  ◆◆◆ ◆◆◆ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- ヘッドライン ----------------------------------------------------------- ◇◆和文論文誌B(Vol.J105-B, No.6)   https://search.ieice.org/cs_j/ ◇◆英文論文誌B(Vol.E105-B, No.6)   https://search.ieice.org/cs/ ◇◆IEICE Communications Express(VOL.11, No.6)   https://www.ieice.org/publications/comex/ ◇◆特集号募集案内 ★和文論文誌B https://www.ieice.org/jpn_r/information/schedule/journals.php?type=02 ●ネットワークソフトウェア技術とその応用特集 ●LiDAR関連技術とその応用特集(和文論文誌 A/B/C/D合同) ●通信ソサイエティレター特集 ●持続可能で強靭な社会に必要とされるEMC技術特集 ★英文論文誌B https://www.ieice.org/eng_r/information/schedule/journals.php?type=02 ●Special Section on Technologies and Proof-of-Concept Activities for 5G Advanced and 6G --- ヘッドライン・リンク集 ------------------------------------------------- ◇◆和文論文誌B(Vol.J105-B, No.6)   https://search.ieice.org/cs_j/ ●放射妨害波測定用超広帯域アンテナの設計・開発 ●分極電流ガラーキンモーメント法における平行配置直角三角柱 セグメント間インピーダンスの単積分化に関する検討 ●無給電素子付Haloアンテナ及びダイポールアンテナから構成される直交偏波共用アンテナ ●進行方向仮説型時空間フーリエ変換を用いた伝搬性電離層擾乱の 電子密度分布推定 ●マイクロ波帯におけるドップラー効果を用いた鉄筋 コンクリート構造物内の錆検知 ◇◆英文論文誌B(Vol.E105-B, No.6)   https://search.ieice.org/cs/ ●FOREWORD -- Special Section on Recent Progress in Antennas and Propagation in Conjunction with Main Topics of ISAP2020 ●Automatic Planning Algorithms for 300GHz Wireless Backhaul Links ●Analyses of Transient Energy Deposition in Biological Bodies Exposed to Electromagnetic Pulses Using Parameter Extraction Method ●Millimeter Wave SIW Cavity-Fed Filtenna Arrays for 5G Wireless Applications ●Improvement of Port-to-Port Isolation Characteristics of a Linearly Dual-Polarized Dual-Band and Wideband Multi-Ring Microstrip Antenna Fed by Two L-Probes with a Via ●Improvement of Radiation Efficiency for Platform-Mounted Small Antenna by Evaluation of Characteristic Mode with Metal Casing Using Infinitesimal Dipole ●Indoor Partition Attenuations and Base Station Deployments for the 5G Wireless Communications ●Path Loss Prediction Method Merged Conventional Models Effectively in Machine Learning for Mobile Communications ●Measurement and Ray Tracing Simulation with Urban Microcell Environments at 28GHz Band ●Rain Attenuation Characteristics due to Typhoon Wind Velocities in Satellite Communications ●Accurate Source-Number Estimation Using Denoising Preprocessing and Singular Value Decomposition ●Radio Frame Timing Detection Method Using Demodulation Reference Signals Based on PCID Detection for NR Initial Access ◇◆IEICE Communications Express(VOL.11, No.6)   https://www.ieice.org/publications/comex/ ●FOREWORD -- Special Cluster on Antennas and Propagation Technologies 2021 ●Symmetrical small trapezoid dipole antenna for broadband wireless communications ●Short-range transmission improvement by dog-bone cross-slot feed in radial line slot antenna ●Phase-less hemispherical near field measurement using initial phase information by PR method ●Special assignments of adjacent output phase differences per input ports in generalized one-dimensional parallel switching matrices ●Digital modulation signal separation received by single antenna using TDL-ICA ●Novel staircase array antenna configuration using stacked Butler matrix for low profile base station ●Generalized equivalent circuit model of a split-ring-loaded dipole reflectarray unit cell under TE oblique incidence ●A broadband tunable power divider for array beam-forming network ●Receivable signal sequence number increase in LED visible light wireless communications by spatially parallel signal transmission ●Countermeasure to hidden terminal problem considering data rate shift algorithm in wireless LAN ●A new routing mechanism based on layer 2 control in MQTT networks with multiple brokers ●Noncontact sensing of heart rate variability from facial video using the topology algorithm ●Evaluation of sensor terminal signal separation performance based on modulation systems in storage-based batch signal processing using STFT ●Evaluation of effectiveness of majority voting method in crowdsourcing-based subtitling methods ●Design and evaluation of remote tracking heart rate measurement based on millimeter-wave FMCW radar ●On the benefits of knowledge about attacker’s strategy for improving the robustness of networks via link addition ●Impact of multiple antennas on hybrid multiple access scheme employing NOMA and OMA simultaneously considering user request ●Weight estimation in STAP for better SINR using AIC ●Comparison of machine learning and non-machine learning methods for the sleep apnea detection using millimeter-wave radar ◇◆特集号募集案内 ★和文論文誌B https://www.ieice.org/jpn_r/information/schedule/journals.php?type=02 ●ネットワークソフトウェア技術とその応用特集 ●LiDAR関連技術とその応用特集(和文論文誌 A/B/C/D合同) ●通信ソサイエティレター特集 ●持続可能で強靭な社会に必要とされるEMC技術特集 ★英文論文誌B https://www.ieice.org/eng_r/information/schedule/journals.php?type=02 ●Special Section on Technologies and Proof-of-Concept Activities for 5G Advanced and 6G ◇◆当メールについて---------------------------------------- このメ-ルアドレスは送信専用となっております。 返信は受付できま せんので、ご了承ください。 電子メ-ルによる情報配信を必要としない方は,マイペ-ジにアクセス し、左メニュ-にある各種申請の「メ-ルアドレス/メ-ル配信変更」から 配信停止の手続きをお願い致します。ただし、すべての情報配信を希望 されない場合でも、選挙や会費のお知らせ等の学会からの重要なお知ら せについては配信されますので、ご了承ください。 マイペ-ジ:https://cmweb3.ieice.org/Kjn/kjn0010.aspx ---------------------------END------------------------------