[IEICE-CS eNews<2021-44>]Call for Paper IEICE-CS GLOBAL NEWSLETTER June 2, 2021. Dear IEICE-CS foreign/oversea members IEICE-CS GLOBAL NEWSLETTER is one of our publications that provides various and useful information in English. Its contents extend from messages from IEICE-CS President/Vice Presidents or Fellows, reports of IEICE-CS related conferences and other activities, conference calendar and essays from foreign/oversea members. In "Foreign Students/Members" corner of IEICE-CS GLOBALNEWSLETTER, we have had many interesting articles, from students who come to study in Japan, or those who are now working in Japan. Most of articles are believed to have been providing encouraging information for people who are thinking to study or work in Japan as well as for Japanese readers to understand their lives well. We would like to appreciate if one or more of IEICE-CS foreign/oversea members to consider providing their views through IEICE-CS GLOBAL NEWSLETTER. Please refer to following site for more information and back numbers: https://www.ieice.org/cs_r/eng/gnl/ The detail is as follows: 1. The theme of article - Introduction of your research and/or laboratory - Technical tutorial - Essay or message to various researchers - Your life and study/work and so on. 2. Number of pages One to four pages in standard 3. Submission/publication schedule Submission date --> publication date by Jun.16, 2021 --> Aug. 1, 2021 by Jul. 7, 2021 --> Sep. 1, 2021 by Aug. 5, 2021 --> Oct. 1, 2021 If you think about writing your article, please contact to GLOBAL NEWSLETTER editor team at the following email address. Email: cs-gnl@mail.ieice.org For more detailed information, please refer to the following site. https://www.ieice.org/cs_r/eng/gnl/submission_guideline.html You can get the sample format (Word file), copyright transfer format and guideline in it. Sincerely Yours, IEICE-CS GLOBAL NEWS LETTER editorial team ◇◆当メールについて---------------------------------------- このメ-ルアドレスは送信専用となっております。 返信は受付できま せんので、ご了承ください。 電子メ-ルによる情報配信を必要としない方は,マイペ-ジにアクセス し、左メニュ-にある各種申請の「メ-ルアドレス/メ-ル配信変更」から 配信停止の手続きをお願い致します。ただし、すべての情報配信を希望 されない場合でも、選挙や会費のお知らせ等の学会からの重要なお知ら せについては配信されますので、ご了承ください。 マイペ-ジ:https://cmweb3.ieice.org/Kjn/kjn0010.aspx ---------------------------END------------------------------