[IEICE-CS eNews<2020-25>]論文誌目次(6月号) June 1, 2020.  ◆◆◆  ◆◆◆ ~~~~~~~~~CS Email News~~~~~~~~~~~~ ◆    ◆              2020年6月1日発行 ◆     ◆◆◆       発信元 IEICE 通信ソサイエティ ◆       ◆     https://www.ieice.org/cs  ◆◆◆ ◆◆◆ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- ヘッドライン ----------------------------------------------------------- ◇◆和文論文誌B(Vol.J103-B, No.6)   https://search.ieice.org/cs_j/ ◇◆英文論文誌B(Vol.E103-B, No.6)   https://search.ieice.org/cs/ ◇◆IEICE Communications Express(VOL.9, No.6)   https://www.ieice.org/publications/comex/ ◇◆特集号募集案内 ★和文論文誌B https://www.ieice.org/eventadm/ronbun.php?society=cs  ●電磁波を効率的に制御する最新のEMC技術特集 ★英文論文誌B https://www.ieice.org/event/ronbun-e.php?society=cs ● Special Section on Information and Communication Technology for Medical, Healthcare and Welfare Applications in Conjunction with Main Topics of ISMICT 2020 ● Special Section on Future Directions of Research and Development on Communication Quality ● Special Section on Technology Trials and Proof-of-Concept Activities for 5G Evolution and Beyond ● Special Section on Dynamic Spectrum Sharing for Future Wireless Systems ● Special Section on Recent Progress in Networking Science and Practice in Conjunction with Main Topics of ITC32 --- ヘッドライン・リンク集 ------------------------------------------------- ◇◆和文論文誌B(Vol.J103-B, No.6)   https://search.ieice.org/cs_j/ ●モバイル環境における通信品質指標を用いた機械学習によるWeb転送遅延判定方式 ●大規模IPv6アドレスの収集・分析 ●到来方向推定におけるアンビギュイティ誤り発生確度情報とその確度情報に基づく再送制御法 ◇◆英文論文誌B(Vol.E103-B, No.6)   https://search.ieice.org/cs/ ●FOREWORD--Special Section on Information and Communication Technology for IoT/CPS in Medicine and Healthcare ●Wide Band Human Body Communication Technology for Wearable and Implantable Robot Control ●Evaluation of Electromagnetic Noise Emitted from Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Lamps and Compatibility with Wireless Medical Telemetry Service ●Heartbeat Interval Error Compensation Method for Low Sampling Rates Photoplethysmography Sensors ●Performance Prediction of Wireless Vital Data Collection System for Exercisers by a Network Simulator ●Implementation of Real-Time Body Motion Classification Using ZigBee Based Wearable BAN System ●IEICE Transactions on Communications: Editor's Message ●Transmission-Quality-Aware Online Network Design and Provisioning Enabled by Optical Performance Monitoring ●Assessment of Optical Node Architectures for Building Next Generation Large Bandwidth Networks ●Bee Colony Algorithm Optimization Based on Link Cost for Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Satellite Optical Networks ●Performance Evaluation of Beam Shapes in a Two-Step-Precoded Massive MIMO System ◇◆IEICE Communications Express(VOL.9, No.6)   https://www.ieice.org/publications/comex/ ●FOREWORD--Special Cluster on Antennas and Propagation Technologies 2019 ●Comparison of SNR and channel capacity with micro and milli-meter wave bands based on outdoor propagation measurement ●Application of characteristic modes to design the platform-mounted inverted-F antenna ●Three-dimensional printed asymmetric biconical antenna for borehole concrete sensing application ●Beam selection for mm-wave massive MIMO systems using ACO & combined digital precoding under hybrid transceiver architecture ●Evaluation of mode vector for near-field 2-D target imaging using Khatri-Rao product extended array processing ●Simplification method of 3D point cloud data for ray trace simulation in indoor environment ●Doppler spectrum consideration on V2V communication for platooning ●Steering of the circularly polarized beam from a spiral antenna ●Extended beamforming by optimum 2-D sparse arrays ●Evaluation of performance improvement of space selective modulation by increasing number of transmitting antennas ●A study on half-shaped printed monopole antenna with short stub for UWB system ●Near-field leaky-wave focusing antenna with inhomogeneous rectangular waveguide ●Compressed sensing based low complexity 2D-DOA estimation by separation and pair-matching approach ●Cross-tier interference mitigation considering pilot overhead for TDD MIMO heterogeneous networks ●Wireless energy harvesting networks with multiple filter-and-forward relays ●Novel sensing techniques of chipless RFID sensor for infrastructure ◇◆特集号募集案内 ★和文論文誌B http://www.ieice.org/eventadm/ronbun.php?society=cs  ●電磁波を効率的に制御する最新のEMC技術特集 ★英文論文誌B http://www.ieice.org/event/ronbun-e.php?society=cs ● Special Section on Information and Communication Technology for Medical, Healthcare and Welfare Applications in Conjunction with Main Topics of ISMICT 2020 ● Special Section on Future Directions of Research and Development on Communication Quality ● Special Section on Technology Trials and Proof-of-Concept Activities for 5G Evolution and Beyond ● Special Section on Dynamic Spectrum Sharing for Future Wireless Systems ● Special Section on Recent Progress in Networking Science and Practice in Conjunction with Main Topics of ITC32 ◇◆当メールについて---------------------------------------- このメ-ルアドレスは送信専用となっております。 返信は受付できま せんので、ご了承ください。 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