[IEICE-CS eNews<2022-14>]NHK STRL Open House 2022 May 13, 2022. ◆STRL Open House 2022 to be held◆ NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories (STRL) will open its doors for the STRL Open House 2022 from Thursday, May 26 to Sunday, May 29. This annual event, where we present the results of our R&D on broadcast media technology to the general public, will take place both online?with content accessible via STRL’s website?and in person?with exhibitions at STRL site. Under the theme of “Cutting edge technologies to spin up future media,” 16 research and development results will be demonstrated, including three-dimensional (3D) video technologies to enable new types of viewing experiences, technologies to allow media content to be seamlessly enjoyed regardless of the delivery platforms, and fundamental research on imaging and display technology. In addition to opening remarks from Director of STRL, presentations will include “lab talks”?in which researchers discuss their work?and special lectures by invited speakers from outside STRL. To minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission, the number of visitors to the real exhibitions at STRL sites will be limited, and advance reservations will be required for admission. Visit the STRL Open House 2022 website for details (https://www.nhk.or.jp/strl/english/open2022/). For those outside Japan who are difficult to enter Japan, visit the online exhibitions. When: Thursday, May 26 ? Sunday, May 29 10 AM ? 5 PM daily Where (in-person): NHK STRL (Kinuta, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo) (Advance reservation required) Where (online): https://www.nhk.or.jp/strl/english/open2022/ (NO registration required) Note: Due to the ongoing uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, it may prove necessary to cancel real exhibitions. In this case, the Open House 2022 will take place entirely online. * NHK is a public service media organization in Japan. ======Notice====================== This is a send-only address. Please note in advance that we cannot accept your replies. If you do not need any e-mail notifications, please access to your Member Page, click "E-mail address / E-mail delivery", and complete the suspension procedure. However, even you do not desire any e-mail distribution, important notices from IEICE such as announcement of election and membership dues will be sent to you. Member Page:https://cmweb3.ieice.org/Kjn/EN/ -----------------------END----------------------