[IEICE-CS eNews<2021-12>]GLOBAL NEWSLETTER Vol.45, No.2 early publication Apr. 2021 Contents April 5, 2021. IEICE Communications Society GLOBAL NEWSLETTER Vol.45, No.2 Early Publication Apr. 2021 Contents https://www.ieice.org/cs_r/eng/gnl/ ________________________________________ We have just released an early publication of GLOBAL NEWS LETTER Vol.45 No.2. Please check out contents at GNL web site ; https://www.ieice.org/cs_r/eng/gnl/ (IEICE-CS Activities Now) IEICE-CS Sister Society Agreement Renewals in 2020 Akira Yamada, Yoshifumi Morihiro We welcome your submission to GLOBAL NEWS LETTER anytime! Please follow the submission guideline shown below for your contribution. https://www.ieice.org/cs_r/eng/gnl/submission_guideline.html Submission time and estimated publication dates are followings. by Apr. 13th --> June 1st by May 18th --> July 1st by June 16th --> Aug. 1st (* publication dates are subject to change) ________________________________________ IEICE-CS GLOBAL NEWS LETTER editorial team mailto:cs-gnl@mail.ieice.org ======Notice====================== This is a send-only address. Please note in advance that we cannot accept your replies. If you do not need any e-mail notifications, please access to your Member Page, click "E-mail address / E-mail delivery", and complete the suspension procedure. However, even you do not desire any e-mail distribution, important notices from IEICE such as announcement of election and membership dues will be sent to you. Member Page:https://cmweb3.ieice.org/Kjn/EN/ -----------------------END----------------------