[IEICE-CS eNews<2021-09>]GLOBAL NEWSLETTER Vol.45, No.1 regular publication contents March 2, 2021. ________________________________________ IEICE Communications Society GLOBAL NEWSLETTER Vol.45, No.1 Regular Publication Mar. 2021 Contents https://www.ieice.org/cs_r/eng/gnl/ ________________________________________ We have published a regular publication of GLOBAL NEWS LETTER Vol.45 No.1. Please check out interesting contents from the following link; https://www.ieice.org/cs_r/eng/gnl/ (Technology Reports) Source Coding and Transmission Technology of 4K/8K UHDTV Satellite Broadcasting Hisashi Sujikai, Atsuro Ichigaya Development of Automotive Millimeter Wave Radar Masaru Ogawa, Kazuma Natsume (IEICE-CS Activities Now) Report on the 2020 NS English Session Awards and Award Ceremony Akihiro Nakao, Tetsuya Oishi, Shiro Mizuno, Shinya Kawano, Masahiro Yoshida Report on the 34th Optical Communication Systems Symposium “What Optical Communication Systems will Support the Era of Communications Revolution?” Takuya Ohara, Takuya Oda (IEICE-CS Related Conference Reports) Report on OECC 2020 Kimio Oguchi, San-Liang Lee Report on 21st Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS2020) Shinji Yamashita, Kazuhiko Kinoshita Report on the 23rd International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2020) Kiyoshi Hamaguchi Report on Japan-Africa Conference on Electronics, Communications, and Computations 2020 (JAC-ECC2020) Osamu Muta Report on the 9th IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA2020) Kazuhiro Kajiwara Report on the 11th International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC 2020) Jong-Ho Lee, Jae-Hyun Kim, Moon-Sik Lee Report on International Teletraffic Congress ITC32 Daichi Kominami (IEICE-CS Information) From Editor’s Desk We welcome your submission to GLOBAL NEWS LETTER anytime! Please follow the submission guideline shown below for your contribution; https://www.ieice.org/cs_r/eng/gnl/submission_guideline.html --- IEICE-CS GLOBAL NEWS LETTER editorial team mailto:cs-gnl@mail.ieice.org ======Notice====================== This is a send-only address. Please note in advance that we cannot accept your replies. If you do not need any e-mail notifications, please access to your Member Page, click "E-mail address / E-mail delivery", and complete the suspension procedure. However, even you do not desire any e-mail distribution, important notices from IEICE such as announcement of election and membership dues will be sent to you. Member Page:https://cmweb3.ieice.org/Kjn/EN/ -----------------------END----------------------