[IEICE-CS eNews<2021-03>][CFP] Special Section on Wired-and-Wireless NW Syst. Techs in Beyond 5G Era January 18, 2021. [Call for Papers] - Special Section on Wired-and-Wireless Network System Technologies in Beyond 5G Era - https://www.ieice.org/eng/s_issue/cfp/2022_4EB.pdf The IEICE Transactions on Communications announces that it will publish a special section entitled "Special Section on Wired-and-Wireless Network System Technologies in Beyond 5G Era" in the April 2022 issue. Studies on advanced wired-and-wireless network system technologies for beyond 5G era are in progress, and with the flexible network infrastructures supporting the creation of various application services, it is expected to solve social issues such as declining birthrate and aging population, energy depletion, and serious natural disasters. In Society 5.0, information networks are expected to contribute to economic development as well as solving such social issues by the advanced fusion of cyber and physical spaces. In order to realize such expectations, it is essential to establish wired-and-wireless network system technologies that create innovative value such as zero touch and infinite frontier, in addition to the advancement of existing technologies for larger capacity, power saving, ultra-low latency, flexibility, high efficiency, safety and reliability. Furthermore, artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) techniques are expected to play an important role for establishing such network systems. In order to further promote the above-mentioned researches of networks beyond 5G era, we thus call publications (scheduled to appear in the April 2022 issue) to discuss and develop wired-and-wireless network system technologies including beyond 5G/6G networks, AI/ML, 5G/local 5G, LTE/4G, network virtualization/softwarization/programmability, network slicing, cloud/edge/fog computing, cyber-physical system (CPS), Internet of Things/Everything (IoT/IoE:IoX), optical network architecture, wireless access/core network, as well as promising application fields such as utilization of data, security/privacy, cooperation in different fields, and so on. 1. Scope This special section aims at timely dissemination of research results in these areas. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: - Artificial Intelligence (AI)/ Machine Learning (ML)-based Techniques - Cyber-Physical System (CPS) - Internet of Things/Everything (IoT/IoE:IoX) - Beyond 5G/6G - 5G/Local 5G - LTE/4G - Network Function Virtualization (NFV) - Network Slicing - Software-Defined-Network (SDN) - Network Softwarization - Network Programmability - Big Data - (Multi/Mobile) Edge Computing - Fog Computing - Cloud Networking - Future Network Architecture - Network Infrastructure - Fault Tolerance - Wireless Access/Core Network - Mobile Networks and Mobility - Optical Network Architecture - Routers, Middleboxes, End-host Network Stacks - Information-Centric Network (ICN) - Energy-Efficient/Green Network - Cross Field Cooperation - Security/Privacy - Theory/Simulation/Experiments - Measurements - Deployment and Experience 2. Submission Instructions The standard number of pages is 8. The page charges are considerably higher for extra pages. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the guideline in the "Information for Authors." The latest version is available at the web site, https://www.ieice.org/eng/shiori/mokuji_cs.html The term for revising the manuscript after acknowledgement of conditional acceptance for this special section could be shorter than that for regular issues (60 days) because of the tight review schedule. This special section will accept papers only by electronic submission. Submit a manuscript and electronic source files (LaTeX/Word files, figures, authors’ photos and biographies) via the IEICE Web site https://cert.ieice.org/auth/realms/ieice/protocol/openid-connect/auth?response_type=code&scope=openid&client_id=ieice&state=m47LaVlAQAkfg1BTpzeSmxk-s4g&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Freview.ieice.org%2Fredirect_uri&nonce=uSZvph5gRlpFi6M-4giucmFFRxe5wzAtznt26sb8ZSo&type=2&kc_locale=en by 10th May 2021 (JST). Authors should choose the Wired-and-Wireless Network System Technologies in Beyond 5G Era as a "Journal/Section" on the online screen. Do NOT choose [Regular EB]. Contact point: Yosuke Tanigawa Department of Computer Science and Intelligent Systems, Osaka Prefecture University Tel: +81-72-254-9275 E-mail: ns-ss2021-kanji@mail.ieice.org 3. Special Section Editorial Committee Guest Editor-in-Chief: Akihiro Nakao (The Univ. of Tokyo) Guest Editors: Masahiro Yoshida (Chuo Univ.) Yosuke Tanigawa (Osaka Prefecture Univ.) Guest Associate Editors: Shin'ichi Arakawa (Osaka Univ.), Satoru Izumi (National Institute of Tech., Sendai Coll.), Ved Prasad Kafle (NICT), Kenji Kanai (Waseda Univ.), Shinya Kawano (NTT), Yoshihiro Nakahira (OKI), Kosuke Sanada (Mie Univ.), Daisuke Takita (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Kohei Watabe (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.), Saneyasu Yamaguchi (Kogakuin Univ.) * Authors must agree to the "Copyright Transfer and Page Charge Agreement" via electronic submission. * Upon accepted for publication, all authors, including authors of invited papers,should pay the page charges covering the partial cost of publications around October 2021. For detailed information, please visit https://www.ieice.org/eng/shiori/page2_cs.html#5 * At least one of the authors must be an IEICE member when the manuscript is submitted for review. Invited papers are an exception. We recommend that authors unaffiliated with IEICE apply for membership. For membership applications, please visit https://www.ieice.org/eng_r/join/individual_member.html * The accepted papers will be published online soon on the web site of Transactions Online after the payment of page charges has been completed. For detailed information, please visit https://www.ieice.org/eng/shiori/page2_cs.html#8 ======Notice====================== This is a send-only address. Please note in advance that we cannot accept your replies. If you do not need any e-mail notifications, please access to your Member Page, click "E-mail address / E-mail delivery", and complete the suspension procedure. However, even you do not desire any e-mail distribution, important notices from IEICE such as announcement of election and membership dues will be sent to you. Member Page:https://cmweb3.ieice.org/Kjn/EN/ -----------------------END----------------------