January 4 2007 Subject: [IEICE-CS Information<2007-1>] IEICE Communications Society eNews  ◆◆◆  ◆◆◆ 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜CS Email News〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 ◆    ◆            2007年1月1日発行 No. 1 ◆     ◆◆◆       発信元 IEICE 通信ソサイエティ ◆       ◆     http://www.ieice.org/cs/jpn/index.html  ◆◆◆ ◆◆◆ 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 --- ヘッドライン -------------------------------------------------------- ◇◆和文論文誌B(Vol.J90-B No.1) ◇◆英文論文誌B(Vol.E90-B No.1) ◇◆特集号募集案内 ★和文論文誌B URL: http://www.ieice.org/eventadm/ronbun.php?society=cs ● ユビキタス社会のためのアンテナ・伝搬技術特集号 ●広帯域化するEMC技術特集号 ★英文論文誌B URL: http://www.ieice.org/event/ronbun-e.php?society=cs ● Special section on "New Challenge for Internet Technology and its Architecture" ● Special section on "Next Generation Network Management" ● Special section on "Ubiquitous Sensor Networks" ● Special section on "Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sharing Technology" ● Special section on "2007 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation" --- ヘッドライン・リンク集 ---------------------------------------------- ◇◆和文論文誌B (Vol.J90-B No.1)◆◇ http://search.ieice.org/bin/index.php?category=B&lang=J&curr=1 ●ターボ等化の基礎,及び情報理論的考察 ●小型・低電圧駆動RF-MEMSスイッチ ●センサネットワークにおける適応的スロット予約による低消費電力メディア アクセス制御プロトコル ●最大パケット廃棄率の更新間隔を動的制御する適応型REDの提案と評価 ●ランダム粗面に沿う電波伝搬特性のFVTD解析 ●周波数選択板を用いた電波吸収体に関する基礎的検討 ●高調波抑制機能を有するAC/DCコンバータ回路 ●複数のチップに圧縮する新しい2値符号 ●空間分割多元接続を実装するセルラ基地局用送信オンラインキャリブレーシ ョン方式の屋外評価 ●無線マルチホップネットワークにおける複数経路符号化のための経路の特性推定 ●UWB-IRによる屋内侵入者検知に関する検討 ●筐体及び素子形状を考慮した携帯端末用アダプティブアレーアンテナの特性解析 ●簡易衛星追尾アンテナシステムの実証実験 ●英文論文誌紹介(IEICE Transactions on Communications)…110 ◇◆英文論文誌B (Vol.E90-B No.1)◆◇ http://search.ieice.org/bin/index.php?category=B&lang=E&curr=1 ● Flexible Interdomain Path Establishment on GMPLS Networks ●Effect of Delay of Feedback Force on Perception of Elastic Force: A Psychophysical Approach ● Diffusion-Type Autonomous Decentralized Flow Control for Multiple Flows ● Effect of Premature ACK Transmission Timing on Throughput in TCP with a Performance Enhancing Proxy ● A 2-Hop Path Selection Protocol (2PSP) in Multi-Rate Ad Hoc Wireless Networks ● Disjointed SRLG Routing for GMPLS Networks by Hierarchically Distributed PCE ● Self-Encoded TH-PPM UWB System with Iterative Detection ● Macroscopic Diversity Combining Technique for Forward-Link of CDMA Cellular Systems ● A New Multi-Channel Mesh Architecture with DCF-Based Inter-AP Communication and Radio-Aware Packet Forwarding for IEEE 802.11-Compliant WLANs ● A Synchronization Scheme for Packet Mode MIMO-OFDM Signals in Wireless LAN ● Moment Method Analysis of a Plane Wave Generator in an Oversized Rectangular Waveguide ● A Low Complexity Algorithm for Azimuth/Elevation Angle Estimation by Using Alternate Subspace Projections ● Simulation and Design of a Very Small Magnetic Core Loop Antenna for an LF Receiver ● A 2-D Image Stabilization Algorithm for UWB Pulse Radars with Fractional Boundary Scattering Transform F ● Performance Analysis of a Non-Uniform DMT Transceiver in Digital Subscriber Line ● Power Control of Turbo Coded System in Rayleigh Fading Channel ● Reduced-Complexity Iterative Decoding of Serially Concatenated CPM ● A Distributed Source Coding Scheme for Source Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks ● Analysis of Throughput in M-WDMA MAC Protocol for WDMA Networks ● Performance Study of Packing Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks ● Bandwidth Optimization Algorithm Based on Weight Vector Adjustment in Generalized Processor Sharing Servers ● Adaptive Step-Size Widely Linear Constant Modulus Algorithm for DS-CDMA Receivers in Nonstationary Interference Environments ● A Robust Detection Scheme of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes over Very Fast Fading Channels ● IEEE 802.11b Performance Analysis in the Presence of IEEE 802.15.4 Interference ● Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11e EDCA ● Performance Analysis of CDMA Mobile System Employing LPA Smart Antenna ● Estimation for Instantaneous Frequency Using a Combined Fractional Time-Frequency Representation ◇◆特集号募集案内◆◇ ★和文論文誌B URL: http://www.ieice.org/eventadm/ronbun.php?society=cs ● ユビキタス社会のためのアンテナ・伝搬技術特集号 ● 広帯域化するEMC技術特集号 ★英文論文誌B URL: http://www.ieice.org/event/ronbun-e.php?society=cs ● Special section on "New Challenge for Internet Technology and its Architecture" ● Special section on "Next Generation Network Management" ● Special section on "Ubiquitous Sensor Networks" ● Special section on "Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sharing Technology" ● Special section on "2007 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation" ◇◆当メールについて◆◇---------------------------------------- ★このメールは送信専用メール・アドレスから配信されています。  このままご返信いただいてもお答えできませんのでご了承ください。 ★登録内容の変更や配信停止は下記へお願いします。 henkou@ieice.org ---------------------------END----------------------------------