October 23 (Wednesday), 2013
KS: Keynote Speech
1: KS-1 A teleco's view for better and better customer expectations in multi-band, multi-network, multi-device and multi-demand smart society Dr. Shinichi Nomoto, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc.
2: KS-2 4G/Multiband Handheld Device Antennas and Their Antenna Systems Kin-Lu Wong and Professor, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
3: KS-3 Rethinking the Wireless Channel for OTA testing and Network Optimization by Including User Statistics: RIMP, Pure-LOS, Throughput and Detection Probability Per-Simon Kildal and Professor, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
WP-1(A): Adv Ant for Radio-Astr. -1
1: WP-1(A)-1 Design of Antenna Array for the L-band Phased Array Feed for FAST Yang Wu, Xiaoyi Zhang, Biao Du, Chengjin Jin, Limin Zhang and Kai Zhu, Joint Laboratory for Radio Astronomy Technology, China
2: WP-1(A)-2 Progress in SHAO 65m Radio Telescope Antenna Biao Du(1), Yuanpeng Zheng(1), Yifan Zhang(1), Wancai Zhang(1), Zhiqiang Shen(2), Qingyuan Fan(2), Qinghui Liu(2) and Quanbao Ling(2), (1)The 54th Research Institute of CETC, China, (2)Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
3: WP-1(A)-3 Promoting the Planetary Radio Science in the Lunar and Deep Space Explorations of China Jinsong Ping, Key Laboratory of Lunar and Deep Space, National Astronomical Observatories, CAS, China
4: WP-1(A)-4 Initial Considerations of the 5 Meter Dome A Terahertz Explorer (DATE5) for Antarctica Ji Yang, Zheng Lou, Yingxi Zuo and Jingquan Cheng, Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key Laboratory of Radio Astronomy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
5: WP-1(A)-5 Design Study on Near-Field Radio Holography of the 5-Meter Dome A Terahertz Explorer Ying-Xi Zuo, Zheng Lou, Ji Yang and Jingquan Cheng, Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key Laboratory of Radio Astronomy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
WP-2(A): Adv Ant for Radio-Astr. -2
1: WP-2(A)-1 Calculation of the Phase Center of an Ultra-wideband Feed for Reflector Antennas Jian Yang, Dept. of Signals and Systems, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
2: WP-2(A)-2 Dish Verification Antenna China for SKA Xiaoming Chai(1,3), Biao Du(2,3), Yuanpeng Zheng(2,3), Lanchuan Zhou(1,3), Xiang Zhang(1,3) and Bo Peng(1,3), (1)National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, (2)the 54th ResearchInstitute of the China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, China, (3)Joint Laboratory for Radio Astronomy Technology, China
3: WP-2(A)-3 Telescopes for IPS Observations Li-Jia Liu, Lan-Chuan Zhou, Bin Liu, Cheng-Jin Jin and Bo Peng, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
4: WP-2(A)-4 Design of a 4.5m polar axis Antenna for CSRH Niu Chuanfeng(1,3), Geng Jingchao(1,3), Yang Guodong(1,3), Zhao Donghe(1,3), Liu Chao(1,3), Yan Yi-hua(2,3), Chen Zhijun(2,3), Du Biao(1,3) and Wu Yang(3), (1)The 54th Research Institute of CETC, China, (2)Key Laboratory of Solar Activity, National Astronomical Observatories, China, (3)Joint Laboratory for Radio Astronomy Technology, China
5: WP-2(A)-5 The optics of the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope Chengjin Jin, Kai Zhu, Jin Fan, Hongfei Liu, Yan Zhu, Hengqian Gan, Jinglong Yu, Zhisheng Gao, Yang Cao and Yang Wu, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
WP-1(B): New Strategies of CEM-1
1: WP-1(B)-1 A General MoM-PO Hybrid Framework for Modelling Complex Antenna Arrays Mounted on Extremely Large Platform Zi-Liang Liu, Xing Wang and Chao-Fu Wang, Temasek Laboratories, National University of Singapore, Singapore
2: WP-1(B)-2 An Adaptive Frequency Sweeping Algorithm of MoM Impedance Matrices in Full-Wave Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antennas Shi-Fei Wu, Zhe Song and Weidong Li, State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, Southeast University, China
3: WP-1(B)-3 Combination of Ultra-Wide Band Characteristic Basis Function Method and Improved Adaptive Model-Based Parameter Estimation in MoM Solution A-Min Yao(1), Wen Wu(1), Jun Hu(1,2) and Da-Gang Fang(1), (1)School of Electronic and Optical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China, (2)State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, China
4: WP-1(B)-4 Analysis of Millimeter-Wave Exposure on Rabbit Eye Using a Hybrid PMCHWT-MoM-FDTD Method Jerdvisanop Chakarothai(1), Yukihisa Suzuki(1), Masao Taki(1), Kanako Wake(2), Kensuke Sasaki(2), Soichi Watanabe(2) and Masami Kojima(3), (1)Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan, (2)National Institute of Information and Communication, Japan, (3)Kanazawa Medical University, Japan
5: WP-1(B)-5 Time Domain Integral Equation Method Using FFT-Based Marching-On-in-Degree Method for Analyzing PEC Patches On Substrate Jian Yao Zhao(1), Wei Luo(2) and Wen Yan Yin(1,2), (1)Centre for Optical and EM Research (COER), State Key Lab of MOI, Zhejiang University, China, (2)Key Lab of Ministry of Education of Design and EMC of High-Speed Electronic Systems, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
WP-2(B): New Strategies of CEM-2
1: WP-2(B)-1 Node-Based Meshless Methods: A Way of Generalizing Numerical Modeling Techniques Zhizhang Chen, The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China on leave from Dalhousie University of Canada, China
2: WP-2(B)-2 From Antenna Design to Feeding Design: A Review of Characteristic Modes for Radiation Problems Yikai Chen and Chao-Fu Wang, Temasek Laboratories, National University of Singapore, Singapore
3: WP-2(B)-3 Parallel Higher-Order DG-FETD Simulation of Antennas Fu-Gang Hu and Chao-Fu Wang, Temasek Laboratories, National University of Singapore, Singapore
4: WP-2(B)-4 A Hybridization of Multi-Level UV with the Hierarchical Fast Far Field Approximations for 3D Rough Surface Scattering Haogang Wang(1), Biao Wang(1), Tien-Hao Liao(2) and Leung Tsang(2), (1)Department of Information Science and Electronic Engineering at Zhejiang University, China, (2)Department of Electrical Engineering at University of Washington, USA
5: WP-2(B)-5 Analysis of Electromagnetic Scattering from Complicated Objects Using Nonconformal IE-DDM Xiang Wei, Jun Hu, Mi Tian, Ran Zhao, Ming Jiang and Zaiping Nie, Dept. of Microwave Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
6: WP-2(B)-6 Validation of FETI-2LM formulation for EBG material prediction and optimal strategy for multiple RHS André Barka and Francois-Xavier Roux, ONERA The French Aerospace Lab, France
WP-1(C): UWB Antennas
1: WP-1(C)-1 Low VSWR High Efficiency Ultra-Wideband Antenna for Wireless Systems Applications Li Na(1), Zhang Haili(2) and Jiang Yi(2), (1)Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, (2)ZheJiang Textile & Fashion College, China
2: WP-1(C)-2 Printed Slot Antenna for WLAN/WiMAX and UWB Applications Pichet Moeikham(1) and Prayoot Akkaraekthalin(2), (1)Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiang Rai, Thailand, (2)Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand
3: WP-1(C)-3 A Compact Lower UWB Band PIFA for BAN Applications Xiong-Ying Liu(1), Chun-Ping Deng(2) and Yu-Hao Fu(3), (1)School of Electronic and Information Engineering, South China University of Technology, China, (2)MOBI Antenna Technologies (SHENZHEN) Co., Ltd., China, (3)Samsung Guangzhou Mobile R&D Center, China
4: WP-1(C)-4 A TE-shaped Monopole Antenna with Semicircle Etching Technique on ground plane for UWB Applications Amnoiy Ruengwaree(1), Watcharaphon Naktong(2) and Apirada Namsang(3), (1)Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Thailand, (2)Department of Telecommunications Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Thailand, (3)Aviation Electronics Division Civil Aviation Training Centre, Thailand
5: WP-1(C)-5 Design and Analysis of a Modified Sierpinski Carpet Fractal Antenna for UWB Applications Bin Shi, Zhiming Long, Jili Wang and Lixia Yang, School of computer science and Communication Engnerring, Jiangsu University, China
WP-2(C): Broadband Antennas
1: WP-2(C)-1 Broadband Loaded Cylindrical Monopole Antenna Solenne Boucher(1), Ala Sharaiha(2) and Patrick Potier(1), (1)DGA-Maitrise de l'information, France, (2)Institute of Electronic and Telecommunications of Rennes, UEB, UR1, France
2: WP-2(C)-2 Wideband frangible monopole for radio monitoring Derek Gray, The University of Nottingham, China
3: WP-2(C)-3 Hybrid Antenna Suitable for Broadband Mobile Phone MIMO System Minkil Park(1), Theho Son(1) and Youngmin Jo(2), (1)Soonchunhyang University, Dept. of IT Eng., Korea, (2)Skycross Korea Co. LTD, Korea
4: WP-2(C)-4 Design of a High-Gain Wideband Microstrip antenna with a Stepped Slot Structure Zhu Wei-gang, Yu Tong-bing and Ni Wei-min, Institute of Communications Engineering , PLA University of Science and Technology, China
5: WP-2(C)-5 A Q-Band Dual-Mode Cavity-Backed Wideband Patch Antenna with Independently Controllable Resonances Tao Zhang, Yan Zhang, Shunhua Yu, Wei Hong and Ke Wu, State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China
WP-1(D): Compact Antennas
1: WP-1(D)-1 Compact Hybrid Dielectric Resonator with Patch Antenna Operating at Ultra-high Frequency Band Muhammad Ishak Abdul Sukur, Mohamad Kamal A Rahim and Noor Asniza Murad, Communication Engineering Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
2: WP-1(D)-2 A UHF Band Compact Conformal PIFA Array Jing Zhou(1), Kang Chen(1), Hao Wang(1), Yong Huang(2), Jie Wang(2) and Xiaoqi Zhu(1), (1)Millimeter Wave Technique Laboratory, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, China (2)Suzhou Bohai Microsystem CO., LTD., China
3: WP-1(D)-3 Small-Size Printed Antenna with Shaped Circuit Board for Slim LTE/WWAN Smartphone Application Hsuan-Jui Chang(1), Kin-Lu Wong(1), Fang-Hsien Chu(1) and Wei-Yu Li(2), (1)Department of Electrical Engineering National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, (2)Information and Communications Research Laboratories Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
4: WP-1(D)-4 Compact and Planar Near-field and Far-field Reader Antenna for Handset Wenjing Li, Yuan Yao, Junsheng Yu and Xiaodong Chen, School of Electronic Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
5: WP-1(D)-5 Printed Loop Antenna with an Inductively Coupled Branch Strip for Small-Size LTE/WWAN Tablet Computer Antenna Meng-Ting Chen and Kin-Lu Wong, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
WP-2(D): Small Antennas
1: WP-2(D)-1 An Idea for Low-Profile Unidirectional Slot Antennas Based on Its Complementary Dipoles Jiang Xiong, Xuelian Li and Bing-Zhong Wang, Computational Electromagnetics Laboratory, Institute of Applied Physics, UESTC, China
2: WP-2(D)-2 A New Radiation Method for Ground Radiation Antenna Hongkoo Lee(1), Jongin Ryu(1), Jaeseok Lee(1), Hyunghoon Kim(2) and Hyeongdong Kim(1), (1)Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea, (2)Kwangju Women's University, Korea
3: WP-2(D)-3 Design of A Novel Quad-band Circularly Polarized Handset Antenna Youbo Zhang(1), Yuan Yao(1), Junsheng Yu(1), Xiaodong Chen(2), Yixing Zeng(1) and Naixiao He(1), (1)School of Electronic Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, (2)School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
4: WP-2(D)-4 Mobile handset antenna with parallel resonance feed structures for wide impedance bandwidth Yongjun Jo(1), Kyungnam Park(1), Jaeseok Lee(1), Hyunghoon Kim(2) and Hyeongdong Kim(1), (1)Hanyang University, Korea, (2)Kwangju Women's University, Korea
5: WP-2(D)-5 Dual Beam Antenna for 6-Sector Cellular System Yoshihiro Kozuki(1), Hiroyuki Arai(1), Huiling Jiang(2) and Taisuke Ihara(2), (1)Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University, Japan, (2)NTT DoCoMo, Inc., Japan
WP-C: Best Student Papers Contest
1: WP-C-1 A Method of Moments Analysis and Design of RLSA by Using Only a Dominant Mode Basic Function and Correction Length for Slots Nguyen Xuan Tung(1), Jiro Hirokawa(1), Makoto Ando(1), Osamu Amano(2), Takaomi Matsuzaki(2), Shuichi Koreeda(2) and Kesato Takahashi(2), (1)Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, (2)NEC Toshiba Space System, Japan
2: WP-C-2 A Compact and Low-profile Antenna with Stacked Shorted Patch Based on LTCC Technology Yongjiu Li(1), Xiwang Dai(1), Cheng Zhu(1), Gang Dong(3), Chunsheng Zhao(2) and Long Li(1), (1)School of Electronic Engineering Xidian University, China, (2)Shanghai Spaceflight Electronic Communication Equipment Research Institute, China, (3)School of Microelectronics Xidian University,China
3: WP-C-3 An Investigation on the Gain of Folded Reflectarray Antennas with Different F/Ds Mei Jiang, Yan Zhang, Wei Hong and Shunhua Yu, State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China
4: WP-C-4 Planar Multi-band Monopole Antenna for WWAN/LTE Operation in a Mobile Device Jia-Ling Guo(1), Hai-Ming Chin(2) and Jui-Han Lu(1), (1)Department of Electronic Communication Engineering, Taiwan, (2)Department of Marine Engineering National Kaohsiung Marine University, Taiwan
5: WP-C-5 Development of Rotating Antenna Array for UWB Imaging Application Min Zhou, Xiaodong Chen and Clive Parini, Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Queen Mary, University of London, UK
6: WP-C-6 A Singular Value Decomposition Model for MIMO Channels at 2.6GHz Yang Liu, Ye Wang, Wen junLu and Hong boZhu, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
7: WP-C-7 An Efficient 3D DI-FDTD Method for Anisotropic Magnetized Plasma Medium Ye Zhou, Yi Wang, Min Zhu and Qunsheng Cao, College of Electronic and Information Engineering Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
8: WP-C-8 Design Principles and Applications of a novel Electromagnetic Spectrum Table Min Ju and Shi-Lin Xiao, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks, Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
9: WP-C-9 An Integrated Transition of Microstrip to Substrate Integrated Nonradiative Dielectric Waveguide Based on Printed Circuit Boards Fan Li and Feng Xu, School of Electronic Science and Engineering Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
10: WP-C-10 FE-BI-MLFMA Combined with FETI for Accurate and Fast Computation of Scattering by Large-Scale Finite Array Structure Hong-Wei Gao, Li Gong, Ming-Lin Yang and Xin-qing Sheng, Center for Electromagnetic Simulation, School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
11: WP-C-11 A Two-Level Spectral Preconditioning for the Finite Element Method Zi He, Weiying Ding, Ningye He and Rushan Chen, Department of Communication Engineering Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
12: WP-C-12 Preliminary Study of a Ground Penetrating Radar for Subsurface Sounding of Solid Bodies in the Solar System Takahiro Ito(1), Raita Katayama(1), Takeshi Manabe(1), Toshiyuki Nishibori(2), Junichi Haruyama(2), Takehiro Matsumoto(3) and Hideaki Miyamoto(3), (1)Graduate School of Engineering Osaka Prefecture University, Japan, (2)Institute of Space and Astronomical Science (ISAS), Japan, (3)Graduate School of Frontier Sciences The University of Tokyo, Japan
13: WP-C-13 A 14 GHz Non-Contact Radar System for Long Range Heart Rate Detection Jee-Hoon Lee and Seongook Park, Department of Electrical Engineering, KAIST, Korea
14: WP-C-14 Interference detection for other systems using MIMO-OFDM signals Ryochi Kataoka(1), Kentaro Nishimori(1), Masaaki Kawahara(1), Takefumi Hiraguri(2) and Hideo Makino(1), (1)Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University, Japan, (2)Nippon Institute of Technology, Japan
15: WP-C-15 Experimental Study on Statistical Characteristic of MIMO Sensor for Event Detection Shinji Itabashi, Hiroyoshi Yamada, Kentaro Nishimori and Yoshio Yamaguchi, (1)Graduate School of Science & Technology, Niigata University, Japan, (2)Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University, Japan
WP-P: Poster Session
1: WP-P-1 The Design and Simulation of Feederlines of Log-periodic Dipole Antenna in Microwave Band Yajuan Shi, Dongan Song, Dinge Wen, Hailiang Xiong, Qi Zhang and Mingliang Huang, Science and Technology on Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory China Ship Development and Design Center, China
2: WP-P-2 A Novel Active Element Pattern Method for Calculation of Large Linear arrays Shuai Zhang, Shuxi Gong and Huan Hu, Xidian University, China
3: WP-P-3 Design and Research on the Plasma Yagi Antenna Zhao Hui-chao(1,2), Liu Shao-bin(1), Li Yu-quan(2), Yang Huan(1) and Wang Bei-yin(1), (1)Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, (2)No. 96625 Troops of PLA, China
4: WP-P-4 A Compact Tri-Band Monopole Antenna for WLAN and WiMAX Applications Guorong Zou, Helin Yang and Linyan Guo, College of Physical Science and Technology, Central China Normal University, China
5: WP-P-5 Optimization Design of Matching Networks for High-frequency Antenna Suo Ying(1,2), Li Fazong(1), Li Wei(1,2) and Wu Qun(1), (1)School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, (2)Electronic Science and Technology Postdoctoral Station, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
6: WP-P-6 The Fast and Wideband MoM Based on GPU and Two-Path AFS Acceleration Lan Li, Jun DongTan, Zhuo Su and Yunliang Long, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Sun Yat-Sen University, China
7: WP-P-7 Circularly Polarized DRA Mounted on or Embedded in Conformal Surface Saber H.Zainud-Deen(1), Nohaa A.Elshalaby(2) and Kamal H.Awadalla(1), (1)Faculty of Electronic Eng., Menoufia University, Egypt, (2)Kafer El-Sheikh University, Egypt
8: WP-P-8 A High Isolation MIMO Antenna Used a Fractal EBG Structure Haiming Wang, Dongya Shen, Teng Guo and Xiupu Zhang, School of Information Science and Engineering Yunnan University, China
9: WP-P-9 Conformal microstrip circularly polarization antenna array Xiao-Bo Xuan, Feng-Wei Yao and Xiao-qing Tian, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Effect for Aerospace Vehicles, China
10: WP-P-10 Detect Phase Shifter Module of Array Antenna Using The Sun Quan Gang, Jiang Wenzi and Xu Peng, Troops 63623 of PLA, China
11: WP-P-11 The Numerical Simulation Studies of The Electromagnetic Wave Resistivity Logging-While-Drilling Instrument antennas Testing In The Calibrating Tank Anzong Li, Jun Zhu, Tiantian Zhang and Guohua Yang, China Petroleum Logging Co. Ltd, China
12: WP-P-12 A phase-matching method for antenna phase center determination basing upon site insertion loss measurement in OATS Song Zhenfei, Xie Ming, Wu Fan, Gao Xiaoxun and Wang Weilong, National Institute of Metrology (NIM), China
13: WP-P-13 A Novel Method for Antenna Phase Center Calibration Da Ma, Shanguo Yang, Yuqiang Wang, Wenrui Huang and Lingli Hou, Southwest Research Institute of Electronic Equipment, China
14: WP-P-14 Design of An Internal Penta-band Monopole Antenna for Mobile Handset Naixiao He(1), Yuan Yao(1), Youbo Zhang(1), Junsheng Yu(1) and Xiaodong Chen(2), (1)School of Electronic Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, (2)School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
15: WP-P-15 Miniaturized High Gain Slot Antenna with Single-layer Director Hongjuan Han, Ying Wang, Xueguan Liu and Huiping Guo, School of Electronic Information Engineering, Soochow University, China
16: WP-P-16 A Frequency Reconfigurable Planar Inverted-F Antenna for Wireless Applications Zheng Xiang(1), Haijing Zhou(2), Ju Feng(1) and Cheng Liao(1), (1)Institute of Electromagnetics, Southwest Jiaotong University, China, (2)Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, China
17: WP-P-17 Novel Generalized Synthesis Method of Microwave Triplexer by Using Non-Resonating Nodes Yongliang Zhang, Tao Su, Zhipeng Li and Changhong Liang, School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, China
18: WP-P-18 S-Band Circularly Polarized Crossed Dipole Antenna for Automotive Applications Jui-Hung Chou(1), Ding-Bing Lin(2), Che-Hsu Lin(3) and Hsueh-Jyh Li(4), (1)Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, (2)Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, (3)Graduate Institute of computer Communication, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, (4)Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan


(C) 2013 CIE