Greetings from ISAP '04 Chairperson

The 2004 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP '04) will be held at Sendai International Center in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, August 17 through 21, 2004. The first and the second ISAP's were held in Sendai in 1971 and 1978, respectively. The third through the eighth ISAP's were held in Kyoto, Tokyo, Sapporo, Chiba, Fukuoka and Yokosuka, and the ninth ISAP will come back to Sendai. Sendai City is called ''the City of Forest'' since there are many trees along the streets of downtown including zelkova trees which are the symbol trees of Miyagi Prefecture and appear as the logo for the ISAP '04. Sendai is also well known for antenna engineers as the hometown of the Yagi-Uda antenna and the self-complementary antenna.

We will welcome many papers on a wide range of subjects on antennas, propagation and electromagnetic theory and we are looking forward to seeing you at Sendai International Center in August, 2004.

 Kunio Sawaya

 Chairperson of the Organizing/Steering Committees