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About the Committee

Technical Committee on Information and Communication Management (ICM), which was originally Technical Committee on Telecommunication Management (TM), was founded in April 1998 as a part of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE).

Its scope is as follows:

Research Fields Topics
Element and Network Management Mobile and wireless networks, IP networks, Software-defined networks, Access networks, Terminal management, M2M and IoT, Home networks, SON
Service and Business Management XaaS, Data service management, Hosting and collocation, Social network services, Cloud computing and data center, NFV, Business models, Law and ethics
Management Functionalities FCAPS, SLA and QoS, Event management, Policy based management, Autonomous management, Agent based management, Security, Human interfaces
Operations and Management Technologies Management models and processes, Monitoring and provisioning, Traffic engineering, DPI, Quality evaluations, Billing and accounting, Complex systems, Orchestration
Theories and Methodologies Control theory, Optimization theory, Economic theory, Simulation techniques, Machine learning, Positivistic methodology, Development methodology, Open data


Technical Committee on Information and Communication Management holds IEICE ICM Conferences / Workshops which are domestic technical meetings. ICM meetings are held every two months and there are more than 15 technical paper presentations and tutorials in each meeting. The annual schedule of ICM meetings is here. Technical Committee on Information and Communication Management is one of the sponsors of Asia-Pacific Network Operation and Management Symposium (APNOMS) that is held every year.