IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility


The increasing need in recent years for computer-based design and analysis techniques in all fields of engineering has resulted in the development of sophisticated models and simulation tools.
In the field of EMC, major advances have been made, brought about by the unique aspects of EMC design, which makes it different from other fields of electromagnetic design. These features
include, the presence of widely different time- and space-scales in the same physical problem, the use of various materials with widely varying and frequency-dependent parameters, the need to
characterise systems well beyond their normal operating frequency range, the statistical nature of many of the electrical parameters, and finally extreme complexity.

A whole array of models have been devised to cover aspects of complex EMC problems such as, lumped circuit models, distributed and full-field models. Yet, major developments are still needed to enhance and integrate these models so that systems problems in EMC can be solved.
The purpose of this issue is to highlight major areas of advancement in EMC simulation where the creative skills of modellers have introduced innovative approaches that are revolutionising EMC numerical modelling and simulation. This issue is directed toward identifying areas of innovation and major advancement related to EMC, both fundamental advancements in numerical modelling, as well as new innovative applications of existing techniques to complex EMC problems. Priority will be given to papers presenting methodological advances in modelling of direct relevance and application to EMC design, which include, but are not limited to the areas of system level EMC, EM interactions on complex platforms, absorbers, chambers, ESD, lightning and transients, antennas, biological effects, printed circuit board layout, signal routing and propagation, wireless systems, mixed-signal design, electronic interconnects and packaging, and components. Suggested areas to be covered by this issue are:
・ Hybrid methods for solving complex problems
・ Development of advanced macro-models of particular features
such as wires, wire looms, thin panels, and components, and
their interfacing to general EM solvers
・ Arbitrary placement of features in a coarse mesh
・ Local enhancement of mesh resolution (e.g., conformal meshes
and multi-gridding)
・ Modeling of advanced material properties in the time- and
frequency domain
・ Multiresolution techniques for mixed-scale problems (both
space and time scales)
・ Novel applications of existing techniques to high complexity
EMC problems
・ Fast and efficient numerical approaches for large problems

Please submit your manuscript on-line to the IEEE 'TEMC Manuscript Central' at the web site, making it clear that it is for this Special Issue, before 15 May 2002. All manuscripts to conform to IEEE Transactions on EMC Guidelines see "Information for Authors". Due to editorial limitations a maximum number of about 15 papers will be published in the Special Issue,
scheduled on February 2003.

Guest Editors:
Prof. C. Christopoulos, University of Nottingham, UK
Prof. J. L. Drewniak, University of Missouri-Rolla, USA