Advanced Program (May 22-23, 2003)

IEICE Technical Group of Communication Systems

(in conjunction with IEICE technical groups of OCS, PS and PNI)


Chair Iwao SASASE (Keio University)
Vice chair Yoichi MAEDA (NTT Labs.)
Secretary Ryutaro KAWAMURA (NTT Labs.)
Secretary Hiroshi TOMONAGA (Fujitsu Labs.)

Date May, 22-23 2003.
Topics Photonic networks, GMPLS, etc.
Location Room No.71, 1F,
Department of Information and Computer Science,
Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University
Address 1-21-40, Korimoto, Kagoshima 890-0065, JAPAN
TEL +81 99 285 8421 (Kiichi Yamashita: Dept. of EEE.)
  +81 99 285 3408 (Takayasu Fuchida: Dept. of ICS.)
Map(Japanese only.)

All speakers will have 20-miniute talk and 5-miniute Q&A in their presentations
except the special and invited lectures, in which they will have 40-minute talk and 10-minute Q&A.

May 22 start end title authors
1 13:00 14:20 [Invited Lecture]
Lessons and results from GMPLS/ASON testbed on IST-LION project
Katsuhiro Shimano, Ippei Shake (NTT)
2 14:20 14:45 Multi-layer routing in GMPLS networks Eiji Oki, Kohei Shiomoto, Masaru Katayama, Wataru Imajuku, Naoaki Yamanaka (NTT)
3 14:45 15:10 Resource Allocation in All-optical Networks using GMPLS Yoshihiko Suemura, Yoshiharu Maeno,
Itaru Nishioka, Soichiro Araki (NEC)
4 15:10 15:35 Fast Recovery for Optical Network based on GMPLS Architecture Shinya Kano(Fujitsu),
Toshio Soumiya(Fujitsu),Akira Chugo(Fujitsu)
5 15:45 16:10 An Optimal Path design for GMPLS by Lagrangean relaxation method Takashi FUKUMOTO
(Systems Development Lab., Hitachi Ltd.), Hiromitsu KURISU (Information & Telecommunication Systems, Hitachi Ltd.)
6 16:10 16:35 Examination of architectures for all optical backbone networks Noriaki Kamiyama(NTT)
7 16:35 17:00 An Evaluation of Traffic Accommodation Efficiency on VCOP-CAS-based Photonic Network Yasutaka Okazaki, Yukio Tsukishima,
Atsushi Watanabe, Tetsuo Takahashi
(NTT Network Innovation Lab.)
8 17:00 17:50 [Special Lecture]
Long-distance Wireless LAN Experiments in Kagoshima
-- Tele-medicine Experiment between Outlying Islands and Transmission Experiments between Remote Fascilities in University Campus --
Yukitoshi Takahashi (Kagoshima Univ.), Hideyuki Shinonaga, Keizo Sugiyama,
Naoki Fuke (KDDI Lab.)

May 23 start end title authors
9 9:00 9:25 Silica waveguide-based optical switches for photonic networks Hiroshi Takahashi,
Toshio Watanabe,
Masayuki Okuno,
Yoshinori Hibino,
Takahshi Goh (NTT)
10 9:25 9:50 Highly reliable compact optical switches for photonic MPLS router Takashi Goh, Shigeki Aisawa, Kazuhiro Noguchi,
Atsushi Watanabe,
Tetsuo Takahashi,
Hiroshi Takahashi,
Masafumi Koga (NTT)
11 9:50 10:15 A Compact Photonic Gateway for Metro Network using Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter Goji Nakagawa,
Yutaka Kai (Fujitsu Lab),
Hiroshi Miyata,
Hideyuki Miyata,
Tadao Nakazawa, 
Hiroshi Onaka (Fujitsu),
Masaji Noguchi (Fujitsu Digital Technology)
12 10:15 10:40 40Gbit/s packet-selective photonic ADM using optical-code label Nobuyuki Kataoka
(Osaka Univ.),
Naoya Wada, Fumito Kubota (CRL),
Kenichi Kitayama
(Osaka Univ.)
13 10:50 11:15 Gigabit WDM-PON systems using spectrum slicing technologies Koji Akimoto, Jun-ichi Kani, Teshima Mitsuhiro,
Katsumi Iwatsuki (NTT)
14 11:15 11:40 Development of ONU accommodating multiple T-CONT Shikou Matsushima,
Akihiko Tanaka,
Atsushi Iwamura,
Yoshihiro Ashi
(Hitachi Communication Technologies,Ltd)
15 11:40 12:05 ONU Serial Number Acquision Methods for PON System Koichi Saito, Hiromi Ueda (NTT)
16 13:15 13:40 A One-way Communication Scheme with Non-uniform Quadrature Phase Shift Keying in Artificial Noise Environments Kengo Iwata, Toru Sato (Kyoto Univ.)
17 13:40 14:05 Unrepeated transmission of bit rate enhanced time-spread/wavelength-hop optical code division multiplexing Naoki MINATO(1,2),
Hideyuki IWAMURA(1),
Satoko KUTSUZAWA(1,2), Hideaki TAMAI(1,2),
Saeko OSHIBA(1,2)

(1) Corporate Research & Developement Center, Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
(2) Optoelectronic Industry and Technology Development Association (OITDA)
18 14:05 14:30 Ultrafast optical path reservation using optical-code label control packet Yuki Fujiwara,
Kiyoshi Onohara
(Osaka Univ.),
Naoya Wada, Fumito Kubota (CRL),
Kenichi Kitayama
(Osaka Univ.)
19 14:30 14:55 An Adaptive RSVP Connection Renewing Scheme with the IP Address of the Neighbor Routers in Mobile IP Takeshi Murakami,
Tomoaki Takazawa,
Yoriko Utsunomiya,
Michito Takahashi,
Iwao Sasase (Keio Univ.)

The workshop titled "the Internet technologies based on photonic networks" will be held on May 22 (from morning) organized by IEICE technical groups of PNI and PS.
The detailed information will be available at PNI homepage ( ).

The banquet will be held after the last session on May 22.
(Fee: 3000JPY)


To make a presentation in our domestic conference,
you have to contact one of the secretaries via e-mail at first.
Please access the following homepage for more detailed information.
Home Page:


Hiroshi Tomonaga (Fujitsu Labs.)
Phone: +81-44-754-2622

Ryutaro Kawamura (NTT Network Innovation Labs.)
Phone: +81-468-59-5005
