Advanced Program

Technical Group of Communication Systems

Chair     : Iwao SASASE  (Keio University)
Vice chair: Yoichi MAEDA (NTT Labs.)
Secretary : Ryutaro KAWAMURA (NTT Labs.)
Secretary : Hiroshi TOMONAGA (Fujitsu Labs.)

Date      : Nov. 7 - 8, 2002.
Topics    : Broadband Access, Power Line Communications, Home Networks, etc.
Location  : Large meeting room (daikaigishitsu),
            Graduate school of Science and Technology,
            Niigata University (Ikarashi Campus),
Address   : 8050, Ikarashi 2-no-machi, Niigata City, Japan.
Map       :
Contact person: Dr. Kenichi Mase, phone: +81-25-262-7446

DATE: Thursday, Nov. 7, 2002

13:30 - 13:55
The Mitigation of MAI for OOK-CDMA Systems with Optical Hard Limiter
by Transmitting Optical Pulses with Multiple Amplitude Levels
Takaya Miyazawa, Ayako Iwata, and Iwao Sasase
Dept. of information and Computer Science, Keio University

13:55 - 14:20
The Technique to Increase Data Rates and the Connection Methods on Long Loops
Kazunori Sakai, Hiroshi Okado, and Hirotaka Wada
NEC Corporation

14:20 - 14:45
Examination of Bandwidth Impartiality Allocation Function in EMDX
Yukihiro Yoshida, and Yasunobu Kasahara
NTT Access Network Service Systems Laboratories

14:45 - 15:10
A Scheme of Digital Broadcasting over IP-network
Yoshinori Goto, Takako Sato, and Naohiko Yuki
NTT Access Network Service Systems Laboratories

Tea Break: 15:10 - 15:30

15:30 - 15:55
Performance Evaluation of Topology Construction Protocol
with Dynamic Membership in Bluetooth Ad Hoc Networks
Takahiro Matsui, Tadashi Sato, and Kenichi Mase
Dept. of Information Engineering, Niigata University

15:55 - 16:20
A Study on Internet Access Methods Using Multi-hop Wireless Networks
Takashi Murakami, and Kenichi Mase
Dept. of Information Engineering, Niigata University

16:20 - 17:10
[Invited Talk]
The Present State and the Future Tasks of In-home Power-Line Communication
Shinji Tsuzuki
Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University

DATE: Friday, Nov. 8, 2002

8:35 - 9:00
A Study on Extension of the Upstream Frequency Band in CATV
Masayuki Nakamura (*1), Yuying Yang (*1),
Katsumi Wasaki (*2), and Yasunari Shidama (*2)
*1 Information Technology Research Institute of Nagano Prefecture
*2 Faculty of Engineering, Shinshu University

9:00 - 9:25
‚WDGigabit Ethernet PONƒVƒXƒeƒ€‚ÌŠJ”­

9:25 - 9:50
A Proposal of Enhanced Access Control in Ethernet PON System
Hiroaki Mukai (*1), Yoshihiro Asashiba (*1), Michiya Takemoto (*1),
Takashi Kikuzawa (*1), Tetsuya Yokotani (*1), Toshihisa Hane (*2),
and Katsuaki Kikuchi (*1)
*1 Information Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
*2 Communication Network Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corp.

9:50 - 10:15
VLAN Control in Ethernet PON System
Hironori Terauchi (*1), Tetsuya Yokotani (*1), Yoshihiro Moriki (*1),
Toshihisa Hane (*2), Toshiya Fukuda (*2), and Katsuaki Kikuchi (*1)
*1 Information Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
*2 Communication Network Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corp.

Tea Break: 10:15 - 10:30

10:30 - 10:55
B-PON System for IP Services
Toshiyuki Iwata, Nobuhiro Hirachi, and Ukyo Yamaguchi,
NTT Access Network Service Systems Laboratories

10:55 - 11:20
Traffic Performance of B-PON system with Dynamic Bandwidth Assignment
Yasuhiko Nakanishi, Toshiyuki Iwata, and Manabu Yoshino
NTT Access Network Service Laboratory

11:20 - 11:45
The Development of Dynamic Bandwidth Assignment Technique
for Broadband Passive Optical Network
Toshihiko Fujita, Ryousuke Nishino, Akihiko Tanaka, Atsushi Iwamura,
and Yoshihiro Ashi
Carrier Network System Division, Hitachi Communication Technologies, Ltd.

11:45 - 12:35
[Special Talk]
Standardization Trend of Broadband Optical Access Systems
-- Topics of Standardization for PON --
Kenji Nakanishi, and Yoichi Maeda


Announcement of Following Conference Meetings:

  DATE        : Dec. 16 - 17, 2002
  LOCATION    : Nagoya University
  TOPICS      : Image Coding, Communications, Streaming Technologies, etc.
  DEADLINE    : Oct. 15, 2002 (for presentation)

  DATE        : March 17 - 18, 2003
  LOCATION    : Nihon University (Fukushima Prefecture)
  TOPICS      : Network Processors, Signal Processing for Communications, etc.
  DEADLINE    : Jan. 15, 2003

  To make a presentation in our domestic conference,
  you have to contact one of the secretaries via e-mail at first.
  Please access the following homepage for more detailed information.
  Home Page:


  Ryutaro Kawamura (NTT Network Innovation Labs.)
  Phone: +81-468-59-5005

  Hiroshi Tomonaga (Fujitsu Labs.)
  Phone: +81-44-754-2622