電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 佐藤 真一:Shin'ichi SATOH




1987東京大学工学部電子工学科卒。1992同大大学院工学系研究科情報工学専攻博士課程了。同年学術情報センター助手。1998同助教授。2000国立情報学研究所助教授。2004同教授。現在に至る。1995から1997まで、米国カーネギーメロン大客員研究員。工博。本会パターン認識メディア理解(PRMU)研究専門委員会幹事、副委員長、委員長。情報システムソサイエティ技術会議幹事、企画広報担当副会長。IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, International Journal of Computer Vision等国際誌編集委員。 PCM2004, MMM2008, ICMR2011, ACM Multimedia 2012 Program Co-Chair, ICMR2018 General Co-Chair等国際会議委員。International Association of Patter Recognition (IAPR) Governing Board在任中。


Global competition is inevitable for companies related to information and communication technology. On the other hand researchers in universities and research institutions are under the pressure of global metrics such as impact factor. IEICE has been changed: online services of transactions and technical reports have been established, along with new direction of open access. Partly due to post corona actions, remote access to conferences as well as archiving seminar presentation is getting standard. In many aspects, the requirements of IEICE for members should be redefined. I may want to consider how IEICE can support intra-/inter-national activities of members, strengthen the dissemination of research outcome, and promote intra-/inter-national research collaboration. The publicity of IEICE, as well as cooperation, collaboration, and negotiation with global academic societies should be the key factors of IEICE.


Shin'ichi Satoh is a professor at National Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo. He received PhD degree in 1992 at the University of Tokyo. He was a visiting scientist at Carnegie Mellon University from 1995 to 1997. He served as the chair of the technical committee of PRMU. He served/is serving as editors of IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, and International Journal of Computer Vision. He was program co-chairs of PCM2004, MMM2008, ICMR2011, ACM Multimedia 2012, and a general co-chair of ICMR2018. He is now on Governing Board of International Association of Patter Recognition (IAPR).

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