電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 辻 ゆかり:Yukari TSUJI




1989年 筑波大学大学院修士課程修了、同年、日本電信電話株式会社入社
2005年 MIT Sloan Fellows Program修了(MBA)
2014年 NTT西日本技術革新部研究開発センタ所長
2016年 NTTネットワーク基盤技術研究所長
2019年 NTTアドバンステクノロジ株式会社入社
2020年 同社取締役IOWN推進室長 兼ネットワークイノベーション事業本部副本部長
※本会での活動実績:2016〜2017年度 総務理事


It’s honored to be recommended as the next presidential candidate of the Communications Society. In recent years, with the progress of digitalization in all social activities, the importance of information and communication is increasing day by day. On the other hand, the competitive environment surrounding the telecommunications market has changed significantly. In this era of change, what should the Communications Society and IEICE do in order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable information society infrastructure? In order to solve this proposition, I would like to not only deepen discussions with our members, but also exchange opinions with others in the surrounding research areas. I will do my best to realize that. Thank you.


Ms. Yukari Tsuji is Executive Director of IOWN Business Promotion Office and Deputy General Manager of Network Innovation Business Headquarters of NTT Advanced Technology Corporation. (IOWN: Innovative Optical and Wireless Network) Prior to joining NTT-AT, she was a general manager, the head of NTT Network Technology Laboratories and had been mainly engaged in making the strategies of R&D for three years since 2016. She moved to NTT West in 2013 and lead R&D Center as an Executive Director. She received B.S. and M.S. degrees in information science from Tsukuba University, Japan, in 1987 and 1989, respectively. She also received MBA degree in MIT Sloan Fellows Program in 2005. She was Director of general affairs in IEICE from 2016 to 2018.

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