電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 尾上 孝雄:Takao ONOYE




1991年大阪大学大学院工学研究科電子工学専攻博士前期課程修了。京都大学助教授、大阪大学助教授、教授などを経て、2019年より国立大学法人大阪大学 理事・副学長 (研究、情報推進、図書館担当)。本会では、企画室委員、スマート・インフォメディア・システム研究専門委員長、基礎・境界ソサイエティソサイエティ誌担当幹事、大会担当幹事、会計幹事、和文誌(A)編集委員長などを歴任。本会論文賞、教育功労賞受賞。IEEE において CAS Society BoG, Region 10 Student Activities Coordinator, Treasurer, Vice Chair − Technical Activities, Vice Chair − Professional Activities, Japan Council Chairなど10年以上組織運営に係わる。


It has been widely pointed out that there will be the issue of “2025 Digital Cliff” in DX (Digital Transformation) domain. Domestic/international academic and professional societies, including IEICE which has 100+ brilliant history, are also forced to rethink and change their various activities to get over the “cliff”. Especially in recent COVID-19 pandemic situation, where all activities are limited, demands for activity change become more significant. Based on long-term serving volunteer experience of international academic and professional societies, I would like to contribute to new style activities of the IEICE.


Takao Onoye received his M.E. degree in 1991 from Osaka University. After holding several academic positions in Kyoto University and Osaka University, he is currently serving the Executive Vice President for Research at Osaka University since 2019. In IEICE, he was a member of Strategic Planning Office, a chair of Smart Info-media Systems Technical Committee, and several steering committee positions in the Engineering Sciences Society. He has also experienced volunteer positions for IEEE administration over 10 years such as a member of Board of Governors in CAS Society, Region 10 Student Activities Coordinator, Treasurer, Vice Chair − Technical Activities and Professional Activities, Japan Council Chair, and so on.

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