電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 高村 誠之:Seishi Takamura


学術論文は、電子化に始まりオープンアクセス化、プレプリントサーバでの早期公開、研究系検索エンジンや大規模文献DB、クラウド文献管理の普及、などの環境変化の渦の中にあります。それに伴い、研究成果掲載メディアとしての論文誌の在り方も変化と強化を余儀なくされています。 企業研究者としてIEEE等の海外雑誌や国内英文誌のAssociate Editor、国内学会和文誌のEditor-in-Chief等を仰せつかる一方、本会研究会活動にも永年携わらせていただきました。その経験から、例えば査読・査読割り当てを行うボランティアの負担軽減と査読期間短縮の両立、論文の質の担保と採録数増加の両立、新規投稿参入を促す魅力ある企画立案、引用を促す論文露出、といった課題や方策に対し、本会内外の組織との連携・協力を通し取り組んでいきたいと思っております。先の見えないこの時代においてこそ本会会員の研究開発活動を堅実に支えられる学会運営と編集活動に、微力ではありますが貢献できれば幸いです。


1991年東京大学工学部卒業。1993年同大学院修士課程修了、1996年同博士課程修了、博士(工学)。同年NTTヒューマンインタフェース研究所入社。2005〜2006年米国スタンフォード大学客員研究員。現在NTTメディアインテリジェンス研究所上席特別研究員。高能率映像符号化の研究開発、国際標準化に従事。本会画像工学研専幹事・委員長(および二種研究会実行委員長・運営委員会幹事)、電子化ハンドブック編幹事、英文論文誌小特集編集委員長等を歴任。IEEE Region 10ほか、国内外学会の理事やVPを歴任。本会ISS活動功労賞、創立100周年記念懸賞論文賞最優秀賞受賞。IEEEフェロー。


Academic papers are amid a whirlwind of environmental changes, starting with e-publication, followed by open access, early publication on preprint servers, and the spread of research search engines, large-scale literature databases, and cloud literature management. As a result, the nature of academic journals as a medium for publishing research results has also been forced to change and strengthen. As a corporate researcher, I have been asked to serve as an Associate Editor for overseas journals such as IEEE and English journals in Japan, and as an Editor-in-Chief for Japanese journals of Japanese academic societies, and I have also been involved in the activities of IEICE SIG for many years. Based on this experience, I would like to address issues and measures such as reducing the burden on volunteers who review or assign peer reviews and shortening the review period, ensuring the quality of papers and increasing the number of accepted papers, planning attractive issues that encourage new submissions, and increasing the publicity of papers that encourage citations, through collaboration and cooperation with organizations inside and outside IEICE. It would be my pleasure if I could contribute to the management and editorial activities of the IEICE, which can firmly support the research and development activities of the members in this uncertain era.


Seishi Takamura received Seishi Takamura received his B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. from the Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo in 1991, 1993, and 1996. He joined Human Interface Labs., Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation in 1996. From 2005 to 2006, he was a visiting scientist at Stanford University, California, USA. Currently, he is a Senior Distinguished Engineer of Media Intelligence Labs., Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. He is engaged in research and development of highly efficient video coding and international standardization. In IEICE, he has served as Secretary and Chair of Image Engineering SIG (and its secondary SIG’s Chair of Organizing Committee and Secretary of Steering Committee), e-Handbook Editor, Guest Editor of EA Special Section. He has served as a BoG or VP of IEEE Region 10 and various other national and international societies. He is a recipient of the IEICE ISS Distinguished Service Award, and IEICE 100-Year Memorial Paper Award Competition, Best Paper Award. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.

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