電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 相澤 清晴:Kiyoharu AIZAWA




1983年東京大学工学部電子工学科卒業、1988年同大大学院電気工学専攻博士課程修了。工学博士。東京大学工学部助手、講師、助教授をへて、2001年より教授。現在、同大、情報理工学系研究科教授。この間、1990-1992年、米国イリノイ大学にて、客員助教授。画像処理、マルチメディア分野の研究に従事。本会情報・システムソサイエティ会長、映像情報メディア学会会長を務めた。ACM TOMM, IEEE MultiMediaおよび IEEE T-IP, T-CSVT, T-MMにてAssociate Editorを務める/た。ACM Multimedia2012, ACM ICMR2018にてGeneral co-Chairを務めた。本会より、論文賞2回、米澤ファウンダーズメダル、業績賞、エレクトロニクスソサイエティ賞等を受賞。日本IBM科学賞受賞。本会フェロー、IEEE フェロー、映像情報メディア学会フェロー。日本学術会議会員。


An academic society exists for the benefit of the academic community of the relevant field. The most important role of an academic society, to put it bluntly, is the "communication" of the academic community. For example, obtaining necessary information, presenting one's own research, and discussing and interacting with people who share one's interests. Through these interactions, new collaborations and ideas are more likely to emerge. It is also a springboard for young people to be active. For this purpose, a number of large and small academic meeting systems have been organized. However, in the past year of the Corona disaster, the activities have been transformed into online ones. Still, the process of getting and putting out information seems to be functioning better than expected. On the other hand, however, we are also very aware that it is an inadequate substitute for a place to interact. It may not be a matter of technology alone. I hope that we can make good practices in this society, which is an academic society of ICT.


He graduated from the Department of Electronic Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo in 1983, and completed the doctoral course in Electrical Engineering at University of Tokyo in 1988. After working as an assistant professor, lecturer, and associate professor, he has been a full professor at the University of Tokyo since 2001. Currently, he is a professor at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo. During this period, he was a visiting assistant professor at the University of Illinois, USA from 1990 to 1992. He has been engaged in research in the fields of image processing and multimedia. He served the president of IEICE Information and Systems Society and the president of ITE, He serves/served Associate Editor of ACM TOMM, IEEE MultiMedia, IEEE T-IP, T-CSVT, and T-MM. He also contributed to domestic and international conferences- he is the General Co-Chair of ACM Multimedia2012 and ACM ICMR 2018, etc. From IEICE, he has received two paper awards, Yonezawa Founders Medal, Achievement Award, and Electronics Society Award. He received IBM Japan Science Prize. He is a Fellow of IEICE, IEEE, ITE. He is a member of Science Council of Japan.

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