電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 川添 雄彦:Katsuhiko KAWAZOE


ICTは現在、数多くの産業分野で必要な基盤技術として位置付けられています。産業毎に、それらを支えるドメインの技術はありますが、ICTはそれぞれのビジネスを改善し高度化するための原動力となりました。その代表技術がAIであり、システム形態がIoTです。 これまで、我々は様々な状況下でより良い未来の実現のために、「過去を学び、未来を予測し、現在を考える。」ことを実施してきました。今、人類全ての危機となったCovid-19に打ち勝つために、技術をもって最善の対処策を早急に見出す必要があります。 しかし、現在人類が保有している技術は不十分であり未熟です。技術は、永遠に万能なものはなく、人類社会の発展とともに性能限界を迎えることは必然だと強く認識すべきです。そこには高く厚い壁がそびえていますが、全ての研究機関が一丸となって限界打破のイノベーションを創出していけば、打ち勝つことができると私は信じています。 本学会は、ICT分野において最高の研究者が集う場です。この叡智をもってすれば、未来を見据えた社会を描けるのではないでしょうか。活気に満ちた電子情報通信学会を目指し、皆さんと一緒に邁進していく所存です。


1985年早稲田大学理工学部卒、1987年同大学大学院理工学修士課程修了、2009年京都大学情報学博士課程修了。1987年日本電信電話株式会社入社、同サイバーソリューション研究所主幹研究員、同研究企画部門統括部長、同社サービスエボリューション研究所長、同サービスイノベーション総合研究所長を経て、現在、同常務執行役員研究企画部門長。入社以来、衛星通信システム、パーソナル通信システムの研究開発、放送と連携したブロードバンドサービスの研究開発等に取り組む。2016年電子情報通信学会東京支部長、2018-19年映像情報メディア学会会長。現在は、NTT Research, Inc.取締役、IOWN GLOBAL FORUM President and Chairpersonを兼務する。主な著書は「IOWN構想インターネットの先へ(NTT出版)」他、複数。2007年高柳記念奨励賞、2019年一般社団法人情報通信技術委員会情報通信技術賞(総務大臣表彰)。


ICT has been positioned as a basic technology required in various industries. Each industry has its own technology to support them, but ICT has become the driving force for improving and upgrading each business. The representative technology is AI, and the system is IoT. So far, we have been doing "learn the past, predict the future and think about the present" in order to realize a better future under various circumstances. And now, in order to overcome the crisis of humankind, Covid-19, it is necessary to urgently find the best countermeasure with technology. However, the technology we currently possess is inadequate and immature. It should be strongly recognized that there is no universal technology forever, and it is inevitable that performance limits will be reached with the evolution of human society. There are many tall and thick walls, but I believe that if all research institutes work together to create innovation that breaks the limits, we can break down those walls. IEICE is a place where the best researchers gather in the field of ICT. With your wisdom, we can draw a society that looks to the future. I will work with you to aim for a vibrant IEICE.


Dr. Katsuhiko Kawazoe is an executive vice president and the head of R&D of NTT holdings. He received his B.E. and M.E. degrees in engineering from Waseda University, Tokyo, in 1985 and 1987, respectively. He also received his Ph. D. in Information engineering from Kyoto University, Kyoto in 2009. After his joining NTT in 1987, he had been engaged in R&D of radio and satellite communication systems. His specialized field of research is highly efficient data transmission schemes for integrated-media systems. He became the head of NTT Service Evolution Laboratories and the head of NTT Service Innovation Laboratory Group in 2014 and 2016 respectively. In 2018, he was appointed to a senior vice president and the head of Research and Development of NTT holdings. He has been also appointed to a director of the board of NTT Research Inc. Since 2020, he has current responsibility. He had served as Chairperson of Tokyo Section of IEICE and President of ITE (The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers) from 2018 to 2019. Since 2020, he has been the President and Chairperson of the IOWN Global Forum. He published “The IOWN”, 2019. He received the TTC (The Telecommunication Technology Committee) Information and Communication Technology Award in 2019.

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