電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 石原 智宏:Tomohiro ISHIHARA




1985年 早稲田大学院修士課程修了,同年 株式会社富士通研究所に入社.以来, SDH伝送システム・ATM通信システムの研究開発,ATM通信技術の標準化,ブロードバンドアクセス,SDN, NFVの研究開発に従事.現在,同社コンピュータシステム研究所特任研究員.本会フェロー.


2008/2009年度  通信方式研究専門委員会 委員長
2011/2012年度  東京支部 庶務幹事
2014/2015年度  通信ソサイエティ研専運営会議 副議長
2016年度〜現在 通信ソサイエティ副会長(研専担当)


IEICE has been greatly contributing to the industries and the educational institutions in terms of R&D of advance technologies and training of human resources so far, celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. While there are such history and achievements, IEICE has issues to be solved in terms of membership decrease and financial affairs. In addition, in the fields discussed in IEICE, it is important not only to improve technologies but also to expand the utilization of technologies by participating in people from different fields. I have participated in management of the Communications Society, particularly promoted major reforms on the management of the technical committees’ conferences from the viewpoint of improving financial and outreach. Through that, I felt it’s important to boldly reform while respecting tradition. I would like to participate in the management of IEICE and to work on improving its value for members and also other industries.


Tomohiro Ishihara received B.E. and M.E. degrees from Waseda University in 1983 and 1985 respectively. In 1985, he joined Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. From then, he has been engaging in R&D on SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) systems, ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) systems, broadband access systems, SDN (Software Defined Network) and NFV (Network Function Virtualization). Currently he was a senior expert of Computer Systems Laboratory of Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. He is an IEICE Fellow. He is now serving as Vice President of IEICE Communications Society.

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