電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 藤井 輝也:Teruya FUJII


日本をより豊かな社会に変革していくために、少子高齢化、環境問題、エネルギーなど多くの課題を解決していく必要があります。その一つの手段として、ICT技術の活用があり、産学官が連携して研究開発を推進すると共に、それを担う人材の育成が重要と考えます。そのためにも、昨年100周年を迎えた本学会が次の100年に向けてこれらの分野で果たす役割は重要です。 微力ながら会計理事として学会活動を通し本分野の発展に貢献できれば幸いです。


 1983年九州大学修士了。同年日本電信電話株式会社(現NTT)横須賀研究所入所。移動通信方式、移動電波伝搬の研究開発に従事。2000年日本テレコム株式会社(現ソフトバンク(株))入社。ソフトバンク(株)研究本部 本部長を経て、2016年より研究開発本部フェロー。2017年東工大電気電子系 特任教授(兼任)。AP研専委員。本学会シニア会員。工学博士。


In order to transform Japan into a more prosperous society, it is necessary to resolve many issues such as low birthrate, aging society, environmental problems, and energy. ICT technology is one way to resolve those difficult issues. We believe that it is important to promote R & D in collaboration with industry, academia and government, and to cultivate human resources responsible for solving issues. To that end, I believe that the role of this academic society, which celebrated its 100th anniversary last year, becomes more important for the next 100 years.
I am fortunate that I can contribute to the development of this field through academic activities as a service of accounting affaires.


In 1983, he received M.E. degree from Kyushu University. Then, he joined NTT Yokosuka Lab. He involved in R&D activities of mobile communications and mobile radio propagations. In 2000, he moved to Japan Telecom (Softbank Corp.). After he completed his Softbank R&D department head term, he became the first R&D fellow of Softbank in 2016. In 2017, he became a specially appointed professor of TIT as a pluralist. He is a senior member, and PH.D.

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