電子情報通信学会 IECE

■ 中尾 彰宏:Akihiro NAKAO


私は、現代において、人々がライフラインとしての情報通信に求める価値は、1.安全・安心な社会を実現できること(ミッションクリティカル) 2.簡単に使えること 3.どこでも使えること 4.すばやく実装展開できること 5.環境にやさしいこと、と考えている。


1991年東京大学理学部卒。1994年東京大学大学院工学系研究科修士課程修了。日本IBM・米国IBMテキサスオースチン・東京基礎研究所などを経て、2005年、米プリンストン大学大学院コンピュータサイエンス学科にて修士号および博士学位取得。現在,東京大学大学院工学系研究科教授。東京大学総長特任補佐兼任、東京大学次世代サイバーインフラ連携研究機構長兼任。電子情報通信学会NV/NS/RISING研究専門委員会委員長などを歴任。電子情報通信学会業績賞、ネットワークシステム研究専門委員会活動功労賞、通信ソサイエティ功労顕彰状、ドコモ・モバイルサイエンス賞 (先端技術部門)日本ITU協会賞国際活動奨励賞(功績賞分野)など受賞多数。日本学術会議連携委員。第5世代モバイル推進フォーラム(5GMF)ネットワーク委員会委員長、Beyond5G推進コンソーシアム国際委員長、スペースICT推進フォーラム5G/Beyond5G連携技術分科会委員長、総務省 地域情報化アドバイザー、総務省 総合通信基盤局 電気通信市場検証会議委員など政府研究会委員多数。政府委託研究全体統括、東京大学社会連携講座、産学共同研究など、複数の産学連携プロジェクトのリーダーを務める。


Recently, information communications have been increasingly utilized as a means to resolve many constraints. New social issues such as pandemics, natural disasters, international conflicts, and large-scale communication failures have arisen and greatly restricted human behaviors.
Our social activities can be sustained solely by information communications, and the need for the development of a robust information communications infrastructure is being reaffirmed. Since information communications support the basis of a wide range of social services, the emergence of risks of large-scale communication failures let us realize that it is required to develop added values in information communications that guarantee mission-criticality, i.e., that the activities of a company or organization must be maintained, and that the continuity of human life must not be affected.
I believe that the values that people seek for information communications as a lifeline in the modern age are: 1. to help realize a safe and secure society (mission-critical); 2. To be easy to use; 3. to be utilized anywhere; 4. to be quickly implemented and deployed; and 5. to be environmentally friendly.
I believe that the Communication Society must support the evolution of information communications as a social infrastructure that has become a lifeline, from an academic perspective, and that it is necessary to focus on the creation and accumulation of knowledge and the development of distinguished human resources to create the social infrastructure of the future through collaboration among industry, government, academia, and the private sector.


Akihiro Nakao received B.S., M.E. from the University of Tokyo in 1991 and in 1994. After working at IBM Japan, IBM Texas Austin, and IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory, he acquired M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Department of Computer Science, Princeton University in 2005. Currently, he is a full professor at the Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, and is also appointed as Special Advisor to the President of the University of Tokyo and as Director of Collaborative Research Institute of Next Generation Cyber Infrastructure of the University of Tokyo. He has served as Chairman of NV/NS/RISING Research Technical Committees of IEICE.
The awards he received include the Achievement Award, Distinguished Service Award, and Certificate of Merit from IEICE, NTT DOCOMO Mobile Science Award (Advanced Technology Division), and the Japan ITU Association Award for Encouragement of International Activities (Achievement Award Field). He is also Japan Science Council Liaison Member.
He has been serving as many government study committee members, such as Chairman of the 5th Generation Mobile Forum (5GMF) Network Committee, International Chairman of the Beyond5G Promotion Consortium, Chairman of the 5G/Beyond5G Collaborative Technology Subcommittee of the Space ICT Promotion Forum, Advisor for Regional Informatization, Member of the Telecommunications Market Verification Council, Telecommunications Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. He has led many industry-academia collaborative projects, including principal investigators of government-commissioned research, Social Collaboration, and industry-academia joint research at the University of Tokyo.

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