電子情報通信学会 IECE

■ 平  明徳:Akinori TAIRA




1994年早大・理工・電子通信卒、1996年同大大学院・博士前期課程了。2008年博士(工学)。1996年三菱電機(株)入社。2013〜2015年 東北大学電気通信研究所准教授。2018年度本会論文賞、通ソ活動功労賞。
現在、三菱電機(株)情報技術総合研究所 主席技師長。衛星通信、ITS、列車無線、セルラーシステムなど広帯域移動体通信方式、高周波帯センシング技術に関する研究開発に従事。東京支部会計幹事、通ソ会員事業企画幹事、和文B編集副委員長、和文マガジン編集委員、超知性ネットワーキングに関する分野横断型研究会 副委員長などを歴任。


In these days, technology is becoming more complex and its change is faster. IEICE can provide valuable occasions where many researchers from different positions such as companies, national research institutes, and universities can gather and discuss from various viewpoints. In addition, because it becomes difficult to create customer value in individual technological fields alone, it will become increasingly important to conduct cross-field discussions that transcend the boundaries of technological fields. Utilizing the experience I have cultivated in various committees of companies, universities, and academic societies, I will do my best to help IEICE develop as a forum for broader discussion and intellectual gathering, even in a situation where the number of members is decreasing.


Akinori TAIRA received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electronics and communication engineering from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1994, 1996, and 2008, respectively. In 1996, he entered the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan, where he had been engaged in research and development of broadband wireless communication system, especially OFDM and MIMO technology. From 2013 to 2015, he was the Associate Professor of the Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, Japan. He is currently Chief Researcher in the Communication Technology Department, Information Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. He is a senior member of IEICE.

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