電子情報通信学会 IEICE

■ 太田 賢:Ken OHTA




1998年静岡大学大学院博士課程修了。博士(工学)。1999年NTT移動通信網株式会社(現NTTドコモ)入社。以来、モバイル端末ソフトウェア、分散システム、AI・ビッグデータを活用した様々な産業のデジタル化やデジタルトランスフォーメーションに向けたサービス・ソリューションに関する研究開発に従事。現在、NTTドコモ サービスイノベーション部部長。2018年より静岡大学客員教授。共著「モバイルネットワーク(共立出版)」など。


High-performance smartphones, high-speed, large-capacity, low-latency networks, and cloud-based services that utilize AI and big data support our daily lives as the foundation of society. There are significant social issues such as labor shortage, environmental problems, healthcare, aging infrastructure, digitization and digital transformation of various industries, and regional revitalization. I believe that IEICE, which leads the innovation of ICT, plays a major role to solve those social issues. As a Director of Conferences, Study Activities, and Education, I will make utmost efforts to contribute to the provision of value to members and the sustainable development of IEICE by making use of my experience in research and development and management of study groups.


Ken Ohta received the DE degrees from Shizuoka University, Japan in 1998. In 1999, he joined NTT DOCOMO, Inc. He has been working for research and development of mobile handset software, distributed systems, and AI services and solutions for various industries. He is now a General Manager of the service innovation department. He has been a visiting professor at Shizuoka University from 2018.

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