
Registration Form

Please fill the registration form and send it to the coference secretariat by e-mail (

Registration form
doc file
PDF file
Conference secretariat

For those who can attend the banquet
If you register by April 28th, 2024, you will be given priority to use the bus from the lecture venue to the banquet venue. (Due to bus reservations, there may not be enough seats on the bus for those who register after that date.)

For invited and plenary speakers,
No registration is required for invited and plenary speakers. There is no banquet fee for invited speakers. We will also provide bus transportation to the banquet venue. We look forward to seeing you there. If you have not yet let us know your availability to attend the banquet, we would appreciate it if you could let us know as soon as possible.

Registration Fee

Regular Student

Registration by bank transfer

JPY 25,000 JPY 10,000


JPY 5,000 (Regular) JPY 5,000 (Student)

Payment information

Registration Feeは、下記口座へお振込みください。
Please arrange your registration by bank transfer from domestic bank.
For oversea participants, on-site regstration is possible.
金融機関名 みなと銀行 岩岡支店(店番号199)
口座番号 1785195
口座名義 アイエスオーエムイーニーゼロニーヨン ヤマダ トシキ
(お振込み名義人は、Registration Formでのご芳名にてお願い申し上げます。)