General Information

Symposium Dates

May 29 - May 31, 2024


Advanced ICT research institute (Kobe), National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
(588-2 Iwaoka, Iwaoka-cho, Nishi-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 651-2492 JAPAN)

Abstract submission

by March 31, 2024 postponed to April 14. Abstracts for posters can be submitted until April 28, 2024.
Submission of abstract was closed.

Submission of manuscript to IEICE Trans.

by June 1 June 15 , 2024

Registration fee

Pre-Registration Regular JPY 25,000-,  Student JPY 10,000-

Organized by

Technical Committee on Organic Molecular Electronics,
Electronics Society of The Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Link (Japanese)

Sponsored by

Electronics Society of The Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Link (English)

Daiko Foundation Link (Japanese)

The Murata Science Foundation Link (Japanese)

In corporation with

Advanced ICT research institute, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology

Technical Committee on Dielectric and Electrical Insulation Materials, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ) Link (Japanese)

Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics (M&BE), The Japan Society of Applied Physics, (JSAP). Link (Japanese)


ISOME2024 secretariat