CALL FOR PAPERS IA2014 - Workshop on Internet Architecture and Applications 2014 at Chiang Mai, Thailand Date: 5(Wed.) - 6(Thu.) Nov. 2014 Venue: Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand Organized by Technical Committee on Internet Architecture (TCIA), IEICE Communication Society (IEICE-CS) Supported by Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand ================================================================== Objective: The Internet has revolutionized and changed the way we communicate, socialize, entertain, access information and conduct business. It has evolved into a pervasive ecosystem of connected computers, mobile devices, sensors, home appliances, and a variety of other gadgets. This evolution has led to a deep intertwining of the physical, social and digital worlds, raising new research agendas and challenging our understanding of the requirements for a vastly interconnected world. Considering the fact that the theme is intensively studied in the world, Technical Committee on Internet Architecture of IEICE Communication Society (TCIA) decided to organize international Workshop. The purpose of this workshop is promoting research activities in Internet and its applications within Asian area, and provides a forum for researchers and practitioners from the academic, industrial, public and governmental sectors to share their latest innovations. Papers from students on this area are particularly welcomed. ================================================================== Instruction for Authors: Official language is English. Abstract (up to 100 words) Submission: Sept. 10 (WED), 2014. Please submit abstract through Submission Page (announced on the web). Final Manuscript of Accepted Papers: Oct. 14,2014 (Sharp, No Extension). Please follow guidelines, including the deadline and how to upload a final manuscript, provided by IEICE for accepted authors. - A Template for IEICE Technical Report is available for Word and TeX, and those files are linked from IA2014 web above. - Normal style of the final manuscript is 1 page of title and abstract, plus maximum 5 pages of main body with double columns. - For invited talks and student presentations, main body may be consisted with 6 (or 4) in 1 PPT slides. - For poster presentations, 1 page title and abstract is OK. Please indicate "poster presentation" when an abstract is submitted. The paper is published as IEICE Technical Report which has an ISSN. Students of good research and/or presentation will be awarded IA Students Award. Please indicate "student presentation" when an abstract is submitted. ================================================================== Committee: Technical Program Committee: Co-chairs: Ekkarat Boonchieng, Chiang Mai University, Thailand Keisuke Ishibashi, NTT, Japan (Chair, TCIA) Members: Chaodit Aswakul, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Sinchai Kamolphiwong, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand Sunyoung Han, Konkuk University, Korea Choong Seon Hong, Kyung Hee University, Korea Hideaki Sone, Tohoku Univ., Japan Kenichi Yoshida, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan Kenji Fujikawa, NICT, Japan Masafumi Watari, KDDI R&D Labs., Japan Katsuyuki Yamazaki, Nagaoka Univ. of Tech., Japan (Past-Chair, TCIA) Local Host Committee: Varin Chouvatut, Chiang Mai University, Thailand Suphakit Awiphan, Chiang Mai University, Thailand ================================================================== Contact ia-ws [at]