
(11th International Session on Electro-Mechanical Devices)


First Announcement

Call for Presentation and Participation



We would like you to participate and present your work in IS-EMD2011 (11th International Session on Electro-Mechanical Devices), which will be held on Nov. 17-18, 2011, in Akita, Japan.


Prof. Hiroshi Inoue, Executive Chair of IS-EMD2011



Conference site:   Akita University, Akita, Japan

Conference date:  November 17 -18, 2011


IS-EMD Web-site:


Sponsored by:

  The Technical Group on EMD of IEICE

                (Institute of Electronic, Information and Communication Engineers)

Co-sponsored by:

  Graduate School of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita University

  Research and Engineering Society for

                  Electromechanical Components and Contact Technology in Japan

Financial support from:

  Intelligent Cosmos Research Institute

  Graduate School of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita University



Technical areas:

Basic Contact Phenomena, Theoretical Analysis, Arc Discharge and Related Phenomena, Sliding contacts, Relays, Connectors, Contactors and Circuit Breakers, Optical Interconnection, Sensing Devices, Automotive Applications, Signal Transmission, Lead Free Soldering, Reduce-Reuse-and-Recycle Techniques, Testing and Evaluation, Others




  The official language is English only.



Registration Fee:

  There is no registration fee required for IS-EMD 2011.




Important dates:

  August 31, 2011:       Registration deadline for title and author(s)

  October 26, 2011:      Submission deadline for completed manuscript

  November 17-18, 2011:  Technical sessions


How to register the title and author(s) of your presentation:

  Those who wish to make presentation at IS-EMD2011, you are required to register the title and author(s) of your presentation via IEICE Technical Committee Submission System on or before August 31, 2011.  The URL is as follows:


  For overseas presentation (from outside of Japan)

     (You can find link to IEICE Technical Committee Submission System)

  For domestic presentation (within Japan)


  Please note that one speaker can make one or two presentation, but can not be a speaker of the third presentation.  There is no limitation as a co-author.



International attendee:

  Those who wish to attend IS-EMD2011 as an international attendee, please send the following information via E-mail to the following IS-EMD2011 Office on or before October 14, 2011.

     Name, Title / position / Affiliation / Postal Address / Phone / Fax / E-mail


  IS-EMD2011 office for international attendees:

      Dr. Yoshiki Kayano

         Graduate School of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita University


         Postal Address: 1-1, Tegata-gakuen-machi, Akita, 010-8502 Japan

         Phone: +81-18-889-2492   Fax: +81-18-835-4651


Visa application:

  If you need to get visa for entering Japan, please contact the IS-EMD2011 Office as indicated above.



Special Issue of the IEICE Transactions via IS-EMD2011

  Call for papers for the forthcoming IEICE Transactions on Electronics Special Issue on "Recent Development of Electro-Mechanical Devices" will be announced later.




IS-EMD2011 Steering Committee ("Jikkou Iinkai")

   Executive Chair: Hiroshi Inoue, Akita University

   Secretary (Office): Makoto Hasegawa, Chitose Institute of Science and Technology

   Secretary (Local): Yoshiki Kayano, Akita University

   Secretaries (Liaison): Terutaka Tamai, RES-ESCCT

                      Hideaki Sone, Tohoku University

   Committee Members:

     IEICE Technical Group on EMD, Executive Group members

       Kiyoshi Yoshida, Makoto Hasegawa, Junya Sekikawa, Nobuhiro Kuga,

       Yasuhiro Hattori, Yoshiteru Abe,

     Past EMD chairs

       Astuo Takahashi, Takeshi Aoki, Koichiro Sawa, Noboru Wakatsuki,

       Takayoshi Kubono, Terutaka Tamai, Yasuhiro Ando, Hiroshi Inoue,

       Isao Minowa, Masanari Taniguchi, Hideaki Sone, Ryo Nagase


IS-EMD Committee ("Kaigi Iinkai")

   Advisory: Tasuku Takagi

   General Chair: Hiroshi Inoue, Akita University

   General Vice-Chair: Kiyoshi Yoshida (IEICE TG-EMD Chair)


IS-EMD2011 Organizing Committee ("Soshiki Iinkai", IEICE TG-EMD Committee)

   Chair: Kiyoshi Yoshida

   Vice-Chairs: Makoto Hasegawa, Junya Sekikawa

   Secretaries: Nobuhiro Kuga, Yasuhiro Hattori,

   Assistant Secretary:  Yoshiteru Abe

   Committee Members:

     Seiji Asai, Hiroyuki Ishida, Mitsuo Ichiya, Shigeru Umemura, Mitsuru Kobayashi,

     Yasutoshi Komatsu, Masao Saito, Osamu Sakaguchi, Kazuomi Sato,

     Yoshitaka Sugiyama, Hideaki Sone, Koji Takami, Hiroyasu Torazawa,

     Keisaku Nakano, Ryo Nagase, Yoshitada Watanabe, Shin-ichi Wada