
// Local information is &ref(LOCAL_INFORMATION.pdf,,here);.

* The 2nd Indonesia-Japan Workshop on Antennas and Wireless Technology 2019 (IJAWT2019) [#r64c922c]

// ** Memories of MJWRT2017 


// >
// -[[Photos #1 (jump to Google site):https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4vDz6x_SE43VUlxTS1zXzhrNG8]]
// -[[Photos #2 (jump to Google site):https://goo.gl/photos/4We8xZnJC3rmGMk96]]

** About IJAWT2019 [#m64b49ee]

>Indonesia-Japan Workshop on Antennas and Wireless Technology (IJAWT2019) is the 2nd workshop on Antenna, Propagation and Wireless Technologies between Indonesia and Japan. This workshop will be held on July 29-30, 2019 in Bandung.

>The IJAWT2019 is intended to provide an international forum for the exchange of information on the progress of research and development in antennas, propagation, RF/microwave and wireless communication systems. It is also an important objective of this workshop to enhance the friendship between Indonesian and Japanese researchers.

>The IJAWT2019 is sponsored and organized by IEEE AP-S/MTT-S Joint Chapter Indonesia Section with technical cooperation from the Technical Committee on Antennas and Propagation of the IEICE.

// [[Call for paper is here.:http://www.ieice.org/cs/ap/jpn/event/MJWRT2019/CFP-Huda_v8.pdf]]

** Date: [#o4e9d67e]
July 29 - 30, 2019

** Venue [#q9c5a2e0]

> Bandung City, Indonesia
> Sawunggaling Hotel, Bandung City, Indonesia
> (Address: Jalan Tamansari, Bandung Wetan, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40116, 
Indonesia, [[http://www.bumisawunggaling.com/:http://www.bumisawunggaling.com/]])

//** Presentation Style [#i61310f4]
// Oral presentation
//** Tutorial Workshop [#ud2beb26]
//Jan. 27, 2017
//- Tutorial Workshop 1: 5G Initiative and activities in Malaysia (Tentative)
//Prof. Tharek Abd. Rahman (Universiti Technologi Malaysia)

//- Tutorial Workshop 2: Basic theory and performance in massive MIMO system (Tentative)
//Prof. Kentaro Nishimori (Niigata Univ.)

//- Tutorial Workshop 3: 5G mobile radio propagation (Tentative)
//Dr. Tetsuro Imai (NTT DOCOMO)

// ** Paper Format, Language, and Template [#j6e6e6b9]

//The manuscript for the technical session should be printed on IEICE technical report format (A4, 2 columns, typically 2 pages, max. 4 pages) including figures and tables. All papers must be written in English.

//** Program Outline (tentative) [#j6e6e6b9]
//Feg. 29 (Mon.), 2016~
//Tutorial lectures, Steering Committee Meeting
//Feb.29 (Mon.), 2016~
//Tutorial lectures, Technical sessions (invited papers, oral and poster sessions), Banquet
//Mar. 1 (Tue.), 2016~
//Technical sessions (invited papers, oral and poster sessions)

** Program at a Glance (TENTATIVE) [#l45d649d]
//** Program at a Glance 
** Program at a Glance (TENTATIVE) [#u50890c1]
July 29, 2019
|08:45-09:00|Opening Ceremony|
|09:00-09:20|Invited Speaker 1|
|09:20-12:00|Oral Session & Tutorial 1|
|12:00-13:00|Lunch break (Poster Session)|
|13:00-14:00|Poster Session|
|14:00-17:00|Oral Session & Tutorial 2|
July 30, 2019
|09:00-09:20|Invited Speaker 2|
|09:20-12:00|Oral Session & Tutorial 3|
|12:00-13:00|Lunch Break|
|13:00-14:00|Award and Closing Ceremony|

// |14:30-15:30|Tutorial Workshop 1: Basic theory and performance in massive MIMO system&br; Prof. Kentaro Nishimori (Niigata Univ.)|
//|15:30-16:30|Tutorial Workshop 2: 5G-Initiatives and Activities in Malaysia (Tentative)&br; Prof. Tharek Abd. Rahman (Universiti Technologi Malaysia)|
//|16:45-17:45|Tutorial Workshop 3: 5G mobile radio propagation&br; Dr. Tetsuro Imai (NTT DOCOMO)|
//|17:05-17:15|Closing Ceremony|
//- [[The detailed advance program is now available on the web page. (Click here!):http://www.ieice.org/ken/program/index.php?mode=program&tgs_regid=012eebd4089010f120ab1f230255e8e070443c5e2a1c778e943d5554df37a034&tgid=IEICE-AP&layout=&lang=eng]]

// - The detailed advance program is now available on the web page. [[(Click here!):http://www.ieice.org/cs/ap/jpn/event/MJWRT2017/Advance_Program_MJWRT2017_ver4(23Jan2017).pdf]]

// - [[&size(15){''Proceedings of the MJWRT2017 (Click here to Download, Password is required to open the file.)''};:http://www.ieice.org/cs/ap/jpn/event/MJWRT2017/Proceedings_MJWRT2017_ver2.zip]]~
// > 

** Information of Paper Submission to Technical Session [#e0e55b6c]
(1) Submit your paper title, authors' names, and a 100-word via the following IEICE technical committee submission system.
(1) Submit your paper title, authors' names, and a 250-word abstract via the following Easychair submission system.

//> (1) Submit your paper title, authors' names, and a 100-word abstract by %%''November 30, 2015''%% &color(red){'' December 8, 2015 ''}; via the following IEICE technical committee submission system.

> &size(16){&color(black,paleturquoise){''  Paper submission  ''};};
- &size(15){''For Japanese''};
- &size(15){''For others''};
//- [[&size(15){''For Japanese''};:https://www.ieice.org/ken/form/index.php?tgs_regid=9150abef42b09abef150bd9cb415941d2bafc02893cc079c3789020d1a117068&tgid=IEICE-AP&lang=]]
//- [[&size(15){''For others''};:https://www.ieice.org/ken/form/index.php?tgs_regid=9150abef42b09abef150bd9cb415941d2bafc02893cc079c3789020d1a117068&tgid=IEICE-AP&lang=eng]]
> [[&size(16){&color(black,paleturquoise){''  Paper submission  ''};};(click here!):https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ijawt2019]]

Copyright of the submitted paper remains in the authors.~
Please ignore the copyright check in the paper registration system.~

> For Japanese:~

(2) The corresponding author will receive an E-mail to announce an URL for submission of your paper. Following the instruction in the E-mail, please submit the final paper by June 17, 2019.~
Note: Reprint Order Sheet and Speaker's Introduction Sheet are not necessary.

** Important Dates [#t61cd7dc]

Deadline for abstract submission :   ''June 17, 2019''~
// &color(red){''Extended to November 29, 2016''};~
Deadline for registration:	''July 01, 2019''~
Deadline for abstract submission :   %%''June 17, 2019''%%&color(red){''Extended to July 08, 2019''};~
Deadline for registration:	%%''July 01, 2019''%%&color(red){''Extended to July 08, 2019''};
// Deadline for final extended paper submission:	July 26, 2019~

** Paper Format, Language, and Template [#i5dd79eb]
- The manuscript for the technical session should be printed on IEICE technical report format (A4, 2 columns, typically 2 pages, max. 4 pages) including figures and tables. All papers must be written in English.
- The IJAWT 2019 abstract should be single spaced, single column, and sized for A4 paper according to this template. 
- It should have a minimum of 250 words, be no longer than 1 page. 
- The language of the symposium is English.
- The body text should be Times New Roman 10 pt. All papers must be written in English.

//- &ref(VJISAP2016_Template.doc,,Manuscript template (MS-word only));
- Manuscript template
- [[Manuscript template:http://www.ieice.org/~ap_ac/jpn/event/IJAWT2019/IJAWT_2019_Abstract_Template.doc]]

//** Social Event [#g5edad73]
//- Banquet: February 29 (Mon.)

** Registration [#j3756aec]
- All participants including speakers should preregister by the following form.~
Registration Form will be available soon.~
//Registration Form will be available soon.~
//[[&size(15){''Registration Form (Click here!)''};:https://forms.gle/RU1j7NcPWVNxp9D67]]~
//(Deadline for registration: July 1, 2019)~
[[&size(15){''Registration Form (Click here!)''};:https://forms.gle/te3CjWrkMRNbz84Z7]]~
(Deadline for registration: July 08, 2019)~
Note: If you cannot register by the above form, please contact the secretary. 

- Registration fee~
//to be provided very soon~
|Regular|CENTER:IDR 2,500k|CENTER:IDR 500k|
|Student|CENTER:IDR 1,000k|CENTER:IDR 200k|
- Registration fee should be paid in cash (IDR only) on site. Credit card payment and bank transfer are not available.

//> * IEICE will provide financial support on the digests for Vietnamese people. 
//- For Japanese~
//Registration fee should be paid in cash on site. Credit card payment and bank transfer are not available.

//- For Vietnamese~
//Registration fee should be paid through a bank transfer. For more information, see the website of the Vietnamese.

// ** Accommodations (only for Japanese) 

// > MJWRT2017では、参加者向けの宿泊先として次のホテルを推奨しております。~

//- 一般向け:~
//Concorde Hotel(1泊7,000円程度)~

//Muong Thanh Nha Trang Centre (1泊90USD程度)~

//- 学生向け:~
//Scholar’s Inn(1泊4,200~6,300円程度)~

//> 上記のホテルに宿泊をご希望の方は、各自で予約をお願いいたします。~

//Chau Loan Hotel (1泊30USD程度)~

//> 上記のホテルに宿泊をご希望の方は、上記の Registration Form において &BR;
//お申込ください。Registration は 2月1日(月)迄にお願いいたします。

// > ホーチミン市内のホテルをAP研幹事の方で手配いたします。現地世話人のQuoc Dinh Nguyen先生(Le Quy Don Technical University)のご尽力により、Web予約よりも安価な団体価格で提供できる見込みです。ご予約をご希望される方はAP研幹事までご連絡ください。

//** Transportation (only for Japanese) [#s45b0711]
//> 送迎バスを空港(カムラン国際空港)~ホテル~VJISAP会場 間で運行します。&BR;
//送迎バスのご利用をご希望の方は、上記の Registration Form において &BR;
//お申込ください。Registration は 2月1日(月)迄にお願いいたします。

//> 集合場所:ホテルの玄関ロビー
// > 集合時間:フォーチュナホテル8:15,ハノイホテル8:20

** Organizing Committee [#m5dd8093]

- General Co-Chairs~
Prof. Adit Kurniawan (, Indonesia)~
Prof. Jiro Hirokawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)~

- Vice Chair~
Dr.Basari / Prof. Eko Tjipto (, Indonesia)~
Dr. Satoru Kurokawa (AIST, Japan)

- Technical Program Chairs~
Dr. Achmad Munir  (, Indonesia)~
TBD (Japan side)

- Financial Chairs~
Dr. Irma Zakia  (, Indonesia)~
TBD (Japan side)

- Secretary~
Dr. Chairunnisa (, Indonesia)~
Prof. Hiroaki Nakabayashi (Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan)~

- Local Arrangement~
Zenal Aripin~
Ibni Anggrianti~
Asep Puadi~

** Accommodations [#w6b58824]
** Accommodations (only for Japanese) [#k408fbca]

> ホリデイ イン バンドン (Courtyard by Marriott Bandung Dago) 

//** Contact Person [#f032ec0a]
> 主に学生向けに,会場のホテル(Sawunggaling Hotel)も予約できます.


** Contact [#yfa2366c]
// > E-mail:ap_ac-mjwrt_secretary(a)mail.ieice.org 
// > Please use the above address by replacing (a) as @.
> Indonesia Side:
> E-mail:ijawt.info(a)gmail.com
> Japan Side:
> E-mail:hiroaki.nakabayashi(a)it-chiba.ac.jp
> Please use the above address by replacing (a) as @.

** Past IJAWT [#k8bf309f]
> [[IJAWT2017 (Depok, Indonesia, Dec. 18, 2017):https://www.ieice.org/cs/ap/jpn/index.php?ijawt/ijawt2017]]