電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 前田 英作:Eisaku MAEDA




1984年東大・理・生物卒、1986年同大理学系大学院修士課程修了。同年、日本電信電話(株)入社。NTT複合通信研究所、ヒューマンインタフェース研究所、基礎研究所を経て、2013年4月NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所研究所長。2017年9月、東京電機大学 システムデザイン工学部教授(現在に至る)。博士(工学)(東京大学)。本会パターン認識・メデイア理解(PRMU)研究専門委員会、幹事、副委員長、委員長を歴任。本会フェロー。


The academic society as a group of experts has two roles; to provide opportunities for information exchange and discussion, and to explain the values and risks of the discipline to non-specialists including the general public. However, information sharing and open technologies are making it difficult to distinguish between experts and non-experts and categorize each discipline. With the circumstances surrounding academia moving in this way, I would like to ask questions regarding what we can do as a society for young people newly entering academia.


He received B.S. and M.S. degrees in biology, and a Ph.D. in mathematical engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1984, 1986, and 1993, respectively. He joined NTT in 1986 and was NTT vice president, and head of NTT Communication Science Laboratories from April 2013 until August 2017. Since September 2017 he has been a professor at Tokyo Denki University. He was the chair of TC-PRMU (2015-6). He is an IEICE fellow.

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