電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 田口 亮:Akira TAGUCHI




1984慶大・工・電気卒、1989慶大・理工・博士課程了、工学博士。同年、武蔵工大(現 東京都市大)助手。現在、東京都市大・知識工・教授(学部長)。本会にて、SIS研専委員長、ESS運営委員会庶務幹事、総合大会実行委員長、ソサイエティ大会実行委員長などを歴任。特別功労賞(2003)、貢献賞(2016)などを受賞。本会フェロー。


The Engineering Sciences Society (ESS) has a wide range of research fields of fundamentals and boundaries of the field of ICT, which are categorized into about 20 technical committee areas. It is a strong feature of the ESS to set up the sub-Society aimed at incubating the Society. The NOLTA Society (NLS) is the first case to become a Society from the sub-Society, and the ESS is jointly managed with the NLS to enhance activities in both societies. In order to revitalize the ESS, at least the following issues need to be considered: (1) how to activate of technical committees activities, (2) whether making the open access of IEICE Trans. Fundamentals is right or wrong, and (3) on the possibility of founding of a new Society. As a result, I would like to make an attractive Society where researchers and students want to participate in Society activities.


Akira Taguchi received B.E., M.E., and Dr. Eng. Degrees in electrical engineering from Keio University in 1984, 1986, and 1989 respectively. In 1989 he joined Musashi Institute of Technology (Current Tokyo City University). Since 2001, he has been a Professor at Tokyo City University. As activity in the IEICE, he was an Editor of the IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, a Chair of the Smart Info-media System (SIS) technical committee, a Chair of the executive committee of General Conference of IEICE, and a Chair of the executive committee of Society Conference of IEICE. He is a Fellow of IEICE.

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