電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 宮永 喜一:Yoshikazu MIYANAGA




1979年北海道大学工学部卒。1981年同大大学院工学研究科修士課程修了。1983年から1987年北海道大学応用電気研究所助手。1987年から1997年北海道大学工学部助教授。1997年からは、同大大学院工学研究科教授。2005年4月からは、同大大学院情報科学研究科教授。音声情報処理、無線通信信号処理、極低消費電力型VLSI設計などの研究に従事。電子情報通信学会フェロー(2008),基礎・境界ソサイエティ(ESS) 次期会長・会長(2014.6−2016.5)。現在,ESSソサイエティ編集長(2016.6-2018.5)、IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Digital Signal Processing Technical Committee, Chair (2006-2008), IEEE CAS Society Distinguished Lecturer(2010-2011), IEEE CAS Society, the Board of Governors, (2011-2013),IEEE CAS Society Associate Editor(2012-2013), 信号処理学会編集長(2015.1-2018.3)等を担当。


In 2017, our society, IEICE, celebrated the 100th anniversary. From 2018, IEICE will start to the next century as the global society in the world. Currently, our society has several important issues about the reduction of members, fiscal consolidation, internationalization together with other societies, etc. I will serve as an auditor to support that our institute overcomes these issues, and that our institute reinforces and expands the global activity.


Yoshikazu Miyanaga is the dean and a professor of Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University. He is also the adjunct professors of King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT, 2014-present) and University of Technology Sydney (UTS, 2016-present). He is an editor of Journal of Signal Processing, RISP Japan (2015-present). He was a chair of Technical Group on Smart Info-Media System, IEICE (IEICE TG-SIS) (2004-2006). He was President-elect and President, IEICE Engineering Science (ES) Society (2014-2016) and currently ESS Editor-in-Chief (2016-present). He is a fellow member of IEICE. He was a distinguished lecture (DL) of IEEE CAS Society (2010-2011), an associate editor of IEEE CAS Transaction on TCAS-II (2011-2013) and he was a Board of Governor (BoG) of IEEE CAS Society (2011-2013).

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