電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 江村 克己:Katsumi EMURA




1980年 東京大学工学部電子工学科卒業。1982年 同修士修了。


17 Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by UN countries. Realizing a sustainable society is truly becoming a global challenge. There are a lot of opportunities for Electronics, Information and Communication technologies including AI and IoT to contribute for changing the society. As an important academic society in the domain, IEICE could be contributing in many ways. However, IEICE is facing issues, such as decrease in members and financial deficit. To get more interests from many people in external fields, I have been working on several measures as a Director, Strategic Planning of IEICE from 2016. I would like to continue my activities for revitalizing the operation of IEICE.


Katsumi Emura received the B. Eng., M. Eng. and Dr. Eng. degrees from the University of Tokyo, in 1980, 1982 and 1992, respectively.
He joined NEC Corporation, in 1982. In NEC Corporation, he engaged in research on optical communication systems and served as a General Manager of Research Planning Division, Vice president of Intellectual Asset Management Unit and Senior Vice President and Head of Central Research Laboratories. He is currently Member of the Board and Executive Vice President and CTO of NEC Corporation.

He also served as a Director, General Affairs and Director, Finance of IEICE,
He is a fellow, IEICE and a member of IEEE and IPSJ.

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