電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 粕川 秋彦:Akihiko KASUKAWA


古河電工梶@シニアフェロー.昭57東工大 電気電子工学科卒,昭59 東工大 電子物理修士課程終了, 古河電工入社.平2-3 米国ベル通信研究所 客員研究員.平12 電子情報通信学会業績賞,平13桜井健二郎賞,平27年本会エレソ副会長(研究技術会議担当) IEEEフェロー,応用物理学会フェロー,電子情報通信学会 フェロー,工博.

The united technologies based on electronics, information and communication has been indispensable to support modern ICT (Information and Communication technology). The connected-service like IoT has been intensively investigated by the best use of ICT, and IoT was recognized as “Industry 4.0”, which can bring the big impact to the future society. The IEICE/Electronics Society (ES) have lots of potential technology fields which can contribute the sustainable society in addition to IoT. The ES, however, needs to be connected with other technology fields both within ES and other scientific institutes for taking a step forward, which eventually results in win-win relation. At the same time, I would like to continue the re-structuring the society so that all the members can enjoy the benefit of the membership. I especially focus on the following tasks.
 - Collaboration with other technology fields both within ES and other scientific institutes
 - collaboration between industry, government, and academia
 - Promotion activity in Asia
 - Society operation from a member point of view

Akihiko Kasukawa received B.S, M.S and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering all from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1982, 1984 and 1995, respectively. In 1984, he jointed Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. From 1990 to 1991, he spent one year at Bell Communications Research (Bellcore) Inc., Red Bank, NJ as a visiting researcher. He is a Senior Fellow at Telecommunications and Energy Laboratories., Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. He has served many international conferences related to photonics as a technical program member and Chair. He has also been on the technical program member organized by IEEE, OSA. He served as a General Co-Chairs for OptoElectronics and Communications Conference 2016 (OECC2016), the premiere photonics conference at the Asia-Pacific region, and Technical Program Area Chair (Asia and Australia) for ISLC 2014 & 2016. He is IEEE Fellow, Japanese Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) Fellow and Fellow of IEICE of Japan.


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