電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 岡 育生:Ikuo OKA


1978年阪大・工・通信卒、1983年阪大・工・博士課程了。工学博士(阪大)。同年、電通大助手。現在、阪市大・工学研究科・教授。本会にて、和文論文誌編集委員長、SITA副サブソサイエティ長、情報理論研究専門委員会委員長などを歴任。このほか、情報理論とその応用学会(現SITAサブソ)編集理事、国際担当理事、IEEE IT Japan Chapter Chair。 主に、変復調、信号検出、通信路推定、誤り訂正、ネットワークに関する研究に従事。

The Engineering Sciences Society (ESS) covers fundamentals of engineering and sciences, and includes various research fields, which are categorized into 20 technical committee areas. As well as technical committees, Subsocieties activate their research fields in ESS. Recently, NOLTA Subsociety was promoted to Society. Fundamentals on Information and Communication Subsociety performed its role and disbanded. These Subsociety changes in ESS were intended to improve the research environments for researchers in their fields. The IEICE is now going to find new business models and to be the globalized institute with considerable changes. In such changes, I try to pursue the best place for researchers in various fields to work with, and support them to enjoy research.

Ikuo Oka received the B.E. and D.Eng. degrees from Osaka University in 1978 and 1983 respectively. In 1983 he joined the University of Electro-Communications as an Assistant Professor. In 1991, he moved to Osaka City University. Since 2004, he has been a Professor at Osaka City University. In IEICE, he was an Editor-in-Chief of the ESS Japanese Transactions, a Vice Chair of SITA Subsociety and a Chair of the Technical Committee of Information Theory. He was a BoG member of the Society of Information Theory and Its Applications (merged to IEICE), and a Chair of the IEEE IT Japan Chapter. His interests include modulation/demodulation, signal detection, channel estimation, error correcting codes and networking.


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